
Racy, a vampire
In the mirror i usually see..A dark silent girl
If i could do anything id.....Hide from all the humans. "ugh."
Im 15 years old ---|x|
I live in havens crest
My personalty Is lost im very emotionless and competeitive i enjoy darker things in life
[ Racy lost her parents, and best friends, when she was only seven years old. the only person she could turn to at that time was her only brother, Nico, who was with her all those years. Nico always supported her, protected her, and nurtured her as they grew up. racy was always so happy back then. White hair, pink eyes, pink dresses. that was the life. but recently, her brother died, trying to protect her from the same person who killed their loved ones. then, she changed. living in darkness, hiding from everyone. after the incident, she lost her memory, except for the fact that she had lost everything. she knows that her brother died protecting her, but she is on the hunt looking for the one who killed her brother. ]
[ Dislikes]
-Humans, because she can never be like them. (doesnt show much hatred)
-too much light
-loud noises
-cat food
Enjoyment is love ---|x|
+Blood of course
+black cats
+dark magic

Nate living in a life of mystery
In the mirror i usually see..A hot guy XD
If i could do anything id...leave havens crest
Im 16 years old
I live in havens crest
My personalty Is simple i am competitive smooth and confident
[ Nate is a smooth confident guy, who loves to get his mouth talkin.Nate is also one of the last of racy's relative alive. he is always up for a good competition, even if he knows he cant win it. hes the fire to get the pot boiling. he'll say things to get people stirred up for a fight. yep, thats him. but what people dont know about nate is that there is another side to him than just that. nate is a mysterious guy, thay nobody really knows about. he keeps a secret that he has only shared with eddie. he never grew up with parents, never knowing them. he was taken from his home, entering the life that noone can ever know about. especially racy. ]
[ Dislikes]
-being bored
-loud noises
Enjoyment is love ---|x|
+dark magic
+bubble gum
+ And soda

Eddie nates clone, but full vampire
In the mirror i usually see..A quiet guy
If i could do anything id stay where i am and be happy
Im 16 years old
I live in havens crest
My personalty Is simple and smooth i look like nates clone but were nothing alike but we are very close.
[ Eddie was born as a clone of nate, meant to cover his shift of his "secret job". He was supposeds to be an EXCACT clone, but he develpoed emotions and thoughts of his own, creating his own personality, becoming his own person. Nate and Eddie were close friends eversince childhood. now, they are like blood brothers. but, there was a smill glitch in the cloning proccess. Eddie was a vampire. ]
[ Dislikes]
-being bored
-loud noises
Enjoyment is love ---|x|
+bubble gum
+ And music

Ria racy's cousin
In the mirror i usually see..A girl with Pink and Black on
If i could do anything id.....have fun and laugh
Im 15 years old ---|x|
I live in havens crest
My personalty Is lost perky and happy
[ Ria is one of Racy's last relatives alive. she is a vampire underclover as a human. Ria is always hunted by vampire hunters, along with Racy and Eddie. She suffered a sad loos of her parents, being killed by vampire hunters. she was an only child, and will always be. Ria is always the one to brighten the mood if anything is down. though she had a dark sad childhood, scarring her for life, she rarely shows her pain. ]
[ Dislikes]
-too much darkness
-loud noises
She loves everything and shes racys cousin but isnt related to nate at all
Enjoyment is love ---|x|
+Blood of course
+pink and black