Jack the Ripper Report
I didn't feel too well, so I had to skip out on the other reports... Oh well... I always find a way to catch up with my work. You know... Things were alot easier WITHOUT Shame...
1.Name: Takeshi, Kiomi Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 17 years old Location: Bronze St, Land of Bones Description of Scene: her throat is slit. There is a bloody smiley face pictated and carefully drawn on the wall of a neighboring building. Tests have shown that the blood used on the smily face belongs to Kiomi.
2. Name: Shiro, Katsume Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 15 years old Location: Sakura Rd, Towns Description of Scene: her throat is slit. There is a bloody smiley face pictated and carefully drawn on the wall of a neighboring building. Tests have shown that the blood used on the smily face belongs to Katsume.
3. Name: Takahama, Mai Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 11 years old Location: Tetsume Blvd, Land of Bones Description of Scene: her throat is slit. There is a bloody smiley face pictated and carefully drawn on the wall of a neighboring building. Tests have shown that the blood used on the smily face belongs to Mai.
4. Name: Hatake, May Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 34 years old Location: Blackwood Avn, Konaha Description of Scene: her throat is slit. There is a bloody smiley face pictated and carefully drawn on the assfault. Tests have shown that the blood used on the smily face belongs to May.
5. Name: Mori, Ami Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 29 years old Location: Rock Cir, Sunagakura Description of Scene: her body is completely mutilated. There is a bloody smiley face pictated and carefully drawn on the assfault. Tests have shown that the blood used on the smily face belongs to Ami.
All five murders no doubt were committed by the same hand. In the first four the throats appear to have been cut from left to right, in the last case owing to the extensive mutilation it is impossible to say in what direction the fatal cut was made, but arterial blood was found on the wall in splashes close to where the woman's head must have been lying. All the circumstances surrounding the murders lead me to form the opinion that the women must have been lying down when murdered and in every case the throat was first cut. While there is no evidence of any sexual activity with any of the victims, psychologists suppose that the penetration of the victims with a knife and "leaving them on display in sexually degrading positions with the wounds exposed" indicates that the perpetrator derived sexual pleasure from the attacks. Over the course of the Ripper murders, the police, newspapers and others received many hundreds of letters regarding the case. Some were well-intentioned offers of advice for catching the killer but the vast majority were useless. Hundreds of letters claimed to have been written by the killer himself, and three of these in particular are prominent: the "Dear Boss" letter, the "Saucy Jacky" postcard and the "From Hell" letter.
I'm thinking of ways to kill you now... so, you might wanna leave before I get even more ticked... 