I love you Amanda, you're so amazing(: Don't ever think any different. You've always been there && i love talking to you! I mean, we can talk to eachother about everything! I loving hearing your amazing poems, you should really get some of them published in a book <33 I'd buy that book! Baby, you're gorgeous! I just thought you should know that ^^ One day i'll come back for you && we'll go to germany together and eat coconut brownies! I know you already know this, but i'd give a lifetime to see you smile, just one smile from your beautiful face! I'll get on when i can and i WILL wish you a happy birthday, like i promised <33 I love you more than you know. Don't ever quit, it'd brake my heart even more than what it is. I love you (:

Britt, you're awesome! Haha you always make me smile <33
Luv yahh! Don't quit gaia! I'll be on when i can! =]

Katie, you're awesome! You can always cheer me up when i'm down (: && you're really pretty, but i'm sure you already knew that ^^ Gonna miss yahh!