Found this in a friend's blog. Thought it was interesting. I love interviews :3
1) What gender are you?
Female dumbass.
2) What is your age?
*narrows eyes threateningly* Thirteen, but who said it was your business?
3) Do you want a hug?
If you touch me, I will bite you.
4) Do you have any bad habits?
I bite people when I feel threatened. And playing with fire is a habit, too, I guess.
5) What is your favourite food?
I don't have a favorite food.
6) What is your favourite ice cream flavour?
7) Are you a virgin?
Is that your business? -sigh- If the promise ring isn't obvious, then yes.
8 ) Have you killed anyone?
Would I disclose with you such information?
9) Do you hate anyone?
My adopted brother, Ash. Maybe. Sometimes he's an a**.
10) Do you have any secrets?
I'm a vampire. Of course I have secrets.
11) What is your favourite season?
12) Who are your best friends?
My annoying adopted brother, Ash Aveira.
13) What are your hobbies?
Drawing, reading, writing, singing.
14) What is your favorite drink?
Umm blood?
15) When is your birthday?
September 25th.
16) What age did you die?
Thirteen. Almost a year ago.
17) Are you nice or mean?
Depends on whether you piss me off. Or Ash.
18 ) What do you think of your creator?
He was a great man, and a good father, for the short time I knew him.
19) What is your weakness?
Sunlight, duh.
20) How long can you stay under water?
Depends. How long you gonna hold me under?
21) What do you do on a regular day basis?
Sleep til sunset, wake, feed, party til dawn, repeat.
22) Do you love someone?
Erm . . . I'm not under obligation to tell you.
23) Does that person love you back?
I don't know. Sometimes he acts weird around me, sometimes he ignores me completely.
24) Do you like me?
Not really.
25) What do you consider fun in the day time?
In the day time? Sleeping.
26) At night?
Hahaha easy question. The night itself.
27) Do you like meatballs?
Erm what?
28 ) Do you like Chef Boyardee's meatballs?
O_O Are you high?
29) Are you gay?
30) Say that you were trapped in a closet with your lover for 2 days straight. What do you do if you start to starve in ONLY A 2-DAY RADIUS?
Pshuh. We could feed off each other, at least for a little while before our vampiric blood starts to poison us.
31) Wow, really?
Um, yeah?
32) What is your place of origin?
Well, I'm of Romanian/Scottish descent, but I was born in England then came to live here.
33) Large or small family?
A large network of bloodlines are in my clan.
34) Who are your parents?
Erm, that's also not something I'm going to tell you.
35) Do you have a phobia?
Sunlight and silver.
36) Piercing/tattoos?
Don't tell Ash, but I got a tattoo the other day. And my ears are pierced.
37) Is this quiz over?
Hell, yeah, it is.
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