seven minutes in heaven - Shugo Chara
Your Result
i had 2 pick a color!
"I got red"
Ikuto stands up and smiles. You get up and walk over to the closet. As soon as the door shuts, Ikuto grabs your chin and lifts it up so you are looking him in the eyes. Then he whispers in your ear, "Be a good kitty for me". He starts kissing you up your neck until he reaches your lips. Before he kisses them, he smiles at you and pulls you in so close that your noses are almost touching. Then he gives you a kiss. Just when it was getting good, the timer rang.
Who is your Guardian Character (Shugo Chara)
Your Result

Your guardian character is:
Something or someone is holding you back from being free. Right now you feel like a stray cat, but with the help of Yoru you will be able to find the one thing that can set you free.
WHO in shugo chara are you
OMG thats really how i am i like being alone and i like just sitting no were and thinking but ama not a boy! LOL
You are .... Ikuto!
You are mysterius and dark. People dont know that you exist. You are like a cat who can sneak araund everywhere and never gets in trouble. You are not afraid to show your feelings fore people you think are interesting, you always take what you want, and accting cool. But maybe you have some problems with your self? It can be a little bith lonely too always stay in the dark. You will fall in love with: A very nervous person,he/she always blushes up when you are with her/him. She/he is clumsy so he/she always need your help.
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