My name is: Abel
My serial number is: A-747
I am this old: Twenty-nine
Since my birth, I am: Most definitely a male.
I am a Mana Soldier. My rank in the military is Commandant of the KAROS Squad Grandia, and I am also the Head Representative of the Military.
My sexual orientation is: Heterosexual.
I like: Strawberry Sundaes, Snakes, Science, Interrogation, and Being in Control. Oh, and I have a bit of a fetish for girls in mini-skirts.
I do not like: Spiders, Claustrophobic Conditions, Tofu, Ignorance, or Insubordination.
I am usually: Extremely authoritative and, on occasion, arrogant. I display myself as being shallow and self-absorbed, and even, at times, a procrastinator. However, while these traits do have a place in my real personality, much of my outward persona can perhaps be considered an intentional façade perfectly designed to cause those unfamiliar with me to underestimate my remarkable intelligence and ability. I'm an exceptional tactician, well-versed in various strains of combat theory and particularly talented in the realms of surreptitious information-gathering, covert operations and enemy ensnarement.
At the core, I'm a remarkably devoted commander whose primary focus and personal duty is to my friends and subordinates. Though I hide it well behind a veil of cynicism and self-importance,I'm a man who cares deeply about the people who trust and support me, and I go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being, even at the risk of my own. As a man with considerable power, I consider myself a protector to those without and acts accordingly, earning the staunch loyalty of my most trusted compatriots.
My powers are: the ability to manipulate the flames. I found myself to enjoy the flames of war during my time as a Mana Soldier, and dedicated my time, in secrecy, to learning how to control them. It was extremely difficult, but with the help of one of the head scientists in the Delta Corporation, I am now able to call on the flames at will. When it was discovered what we were doing, we were nearly courts-martial, until they learned how affective his newfound ability was. So, instead of being punished, we were smiled upon and used as they saw fit. And, all in all, it was not such a bad deal. With a snap of my fingers, I have bombs on command. How can I complain?
My life story is this: Well... It's difficult, to say the least. I cannot say that I grew up in the most loving of families, all things considered. I never really knew what a loving family was, considering my parents' occupations. My father was a lazy, bummed out drunkard - not that such an occupation for him is hard to believe. However, believe it or not, my mother was a prostitute. And yes, unfortunately, that meant that I was used with her on occasion for her to earn a little extra money. It's a bit of a sap story, really, but it's completely true. She used me during sex for money, and my father beat the hell out of me, all the time, simply because he had the authority to. And I took it, because I had no other option. What was I going to do? Fight back? Whenever I tried, I got beaten worse?
I cried myself to sleep almost every night for as long as I could remember while leaving under that roof. But, it was not overly bad. While I was permitted to the hospital several times due to broken bones by my father, my mother always did nurse me back to health. Actually, in fact, there was one night where she protected me. I was forced to engage with her and one of her male charges for double the amount of money she would have earned. But, when she went to take a shower and clean up, and I had gone to bed (once again, crying myself to sleep), I was woken up to a guest in my room. Apparently, the man she brought home was not done with me. And, though I kept crying out, my mother was unable to hear me through her shower and the hand covering my mouth. So, instead, I made the loudest noise I could by knocking my glass lamp over. And that got her attention. She ran from the shower into my bedroom and, worse than my father had ever done unto me, beat the hell out of her client. She protected me, and that was the first time, in about ten years, that she told me she was sorry and she loved me.
I was fifteen.
My father, however, never cared about me. And, over the years, as I got older, he began to beat me worse. But, I learned to fight back. Who cared if it got worse? Abuse was abuse, and it was getting worse, anyways. So, why not fight back? That was my thought process, anyhow. Eventually, though, I had had enough. One of the days that he was beating me, he threw me back into his glass cabinet that had his gun in it from his days in the military. Bleeding from the shattered glass in my shoulder, I grabbed his gun and pulled the trigger without thought or hesitation. I shot him through his head. My mother, absolutely terrified, screamed and cried. Not for his death, but out of fear that she was next. And I had thought about it for a moment, but I found that I could not do it. She had protected me at times, and for that, I could not bring myself to harm her. No, instead, I clung to her and cried for nearly an hour.
She continued her job of being a prostitute, but she never included me. She was no longer protecting me, because I was protecting her. There was one client that beat her when she told him to pay up, and watching my mother get hurt was something I could not stand for. So we beat the hell out of him. C'est la vie. Actually, it was kind of humorous. After the first time he landed a solid punch on me, my mother kicked him in the head. To be honest, it was kind of terrifying.
She used her job, though, to pay for schooling for me. I went on to join the military to help pay for her home so she could find a real job, and every last cent of my money went to supporting her. She handled the food, I handled the home. That was our agreement. I became a corpsman in the Navy, and dedicated my life to the pursuit of medical training to help people. I was picked up when I was approximately twenty-one by the Delta Corporation to be what they called a Mana Soldier. And though I was skeptical about it at first, I grew to love it. I still support my mother, and now I work as the Commandant of the KAROS Squad Grandia, as well as the Head Representative of the Military.
I'm twenty-nine years old.
Here's what I look like:

Devils Torso
My name is: [Dr. Marcus Reinard.]
I am this old: [56]
Since my birth, I am: [Male]
I am: [Straight.]
I am a Scientist working for Delta Corp. My rank is [Head Scientist of Lab 56.]
I like: [Dissecting Humans, Eating Brains, and Creating New Experiments.]
I do not like: [Pretty People, Flowers, and Perfume.]
I am usually: [Twisted in many ways. Due to the fact I scare people with my smile. (Do Not Ask.) Stubborn. If something doesn't turn out my way, I will either hurt someone, or keep trying. Loved by nature. Do not ask.]
My skills are: [I'm quite intelligent. But, not as smart as Albert Einstein. I specialize in, dissecting the brain, making a new reproductive system with a few pieces of meat, cloning people with a strand of hair, and killing people during dissection. I am always learning new things, and I learn quick.. so you might be surprised with what else I can do.]
My life story is this: [I was a son of an ordinary family. I went to an ordinary elementary school, same with middle school. In high school, I realized my love for dissecting animals. I remember dissecting a frog, a rat, a cat and a pig. I really enjoyed it. When I dissected a pig, my class mates told me I got out of control and actually made the dead pig.. come back to life. From then on, I ran away from home. I found a small cave to start my studies. Of course, I brought money, food and books with me so I could study. Soon enough, other men and guard associates found out about me and asked me to become their scientist. Of course I agreed. This would be a great chance to learn new things, and perhaps.. create new life disorders. Maybe.. I'd be clever enough to create a new species of the human beings. We'll see now, won't we?]
Here's what I look like: [