Name: Aurax
Race: Dragon, Silver (demi-god)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Fluctuating
Age: 2073
Height: humanoid form 4'9" dragon one has tried measuring him
Special Abilities:
Most of Aurax's abillities become apparent when he remains in his true form. Only a handful of these remain active when he shape changes.
Alternate form, acid and cold immunity, cloudwalking, fire vulnerability, feather fall, fog cloud, control winds, control weather, reverse gravity, cone of cold and cone of paralyzing gas as breath weapons.
More of an interesting pointer than anything else, regardless of what form Aurax takes on, his shadow is always that of a dragon of the same size as the form he has taken on.
General Blurb:
Dragon Form

Humanoid Form
Vox_Draconis · Thu Aug 19, 2010 @ 09:37am · 0 Comments |