


Okay so ages:
Ryumi: 970
Amataila: 15
Annyy waaayyys. here is a script from a book I am writing.
Amataila walked with sam, their fingers were intertwined and Ama smiled "so you know who Rio's killer is?"Sam nodded. Ama sighed "that's good." Sam nodded then continued walking with her until they came to the door marked HEADMASTER and they entered. Ryumi was sitting on the window sill looking outside then Sam cleared his throat and Ryumi turned his head to face them. Ama flinched under Ryumi's watchful gaze and he smiled softly, and weakly "Yes Sam and Amataila? What brings you two here?" Sam gabbed Ama's wrist. "I know who the killer is." Ryumi frowned "Really? Please share." Ama frowned curious as to why Sam was holding her wrist so tightly. Then Sam growled "We all suspected Ama for the longest of times but notice how she has always been at the scene. Amataila is the killer." Ama's face showed disbelief then she yelled "SO YOU THINK I WOULD HAVE KILLED MY FRIENDS!!" Sam growled "Why not kill them, If you hate demons surely there is no exception." Ryumi frowned deep in thought. "But it doesn't add up Sam..." Ryumi looked up at Sam. "Remember the previous headmaster was killed and that happened while Ama was in coma. Please enlighten me on how it could add up." Sam remaind icily calm and Ama shivered.