◆ Last and First Name ◆
Minyuki, Neferet
◆ Age ◆
◆ Height ◆
◆ Weight ◆
◆ Race ◆
XXXMaiden’s are a race that appear closely to that of human’s if not the same. They attend to have somewhat longer life then humans but not by a whole lot. They are very strong in using magic but in hand to hand and strength attend to lack much of it.
◆ Gender ◆
◆ History ◆
XXXNeferet or as she has nicked named herself as “Neffy”, is a young Maiden or as many would call her a ‘witch’ traveling the world. Neferet was born into a normal loving family who were good at using their casting when they need too. They were never really well known as they attend to do what they did to just live as normal as possible. Her father was able to cast elemental with easy, and her mother best skill was defensive casting such as able to create barriers and such. She didn’t start training or really using her magic until around the age of eight.
XXXAt that time that’s when her mother and father chose to start finally teaching her simple little things. At first she was a klutz and didn’t quickly pick up on much what was being shown to her. After all she was still young and which child masters anything or be really good at something they never done in their life for the first time, well there are those few, but she wasn’t one of them. Slowly as she was brought into the world of magic she would take time out of her normal life such as going to school playing with her toys and hanging out with her first and such to study and try to learn more on what her mother and father had taught her.
XXXShe was able to learn two spells her mother and father had taught her which weren’t the best or some supper move that could kill an army of people. Nope these spells she had learned were more for well beginners. Even now she still has sometimes a hard time trying to cast them as they can even sometime back fire on her if she tries too hard to do the spell. Most of her friends made fun of her for that very fact that she isn’t the best when it comes to doing magic or using it, but she just laughs it off and tells them that she will keep going and show them that she can do something special. After all her mother and father had always told her she was special and thought it meet that she be able to do something that no one else could ever done before.
XXXShe was allowed by her mother and father to travel the world in search of more magic and to gain more knowledge even thought she is young weak and going into a dangers world they allow this. They weren’t stupid they made sure to send her along with someone to watch over her. She rides on her wolf which she has named Candy. This wolf will defend the child and flee at the first sign of real danger with her on her back. In the event that they are caught and unable to flee the wolf has a scroll on its small pouch, that acts as a saddle for Neffy to ride on that will get them out of the pinch, Neffy was told to grab it and to just place her hand on it and everything would be fine. It’s a spell that her mother made that will create a barrier and give a location of where they are at allowing both mother and father to go save their little Neffy. With her safety net set she now goes in search of people to teach her new and interesting things to use her magic and see if she can truly become something special.
◆ Weapon ◆
Staff that’s about 5 feet(Yes its taller than her.)
◆ Spell’s ◆
Name: Pillar of Light
Spell Type: Defensive/ Small Offensive
Casting Time: One Post
Duration of Spell: Two Post
Range: On Caster
Chances of Success: 85%
Chances of Fail: 15%
Description: The first spell her mom taught her this small spell is meet to defend her and shock those who come close to her when she is inside it. A pillar comes down on top of her incasing her in a shield that will shock those who touches her. She’s unable to move much while in the pillar as its meet to be a shield and thus she can’t do much more. If a person tries to enter it while it’s up the chances of them becoming stun becomes higher as the voltage increases.
Name: Lighting Bolt
Spell Type: Offensive
Casting Time: One Post
Duration of Spell: One Post
Range: 10 feet
Chances of Success: 55%
Chances of Fail: 45%
Description: This was the first spell her father taught her. Using her staff she’s able to send out a bolt of electricity which can do some damage such as burn skin and well stun the body part it hit. It’s not as dangers as many other spells but it’s her only forum of attack for now. There also chances that it can back fire on her and hurt her at times. Once its reaches its range it disappears.
Spell Type: Defensive/ Small Offensive
Casting Time: One Post
Duration of Spell: Two Post
Range: On Caster
Chances of Success: 85%
Chances of Fail: 15%
Description: The first spell her mom taught her this small spell is meet to defend her and shock those who come close to her when she is inside it. A pillar comes down on top of her incasing her in a shield that will shock those who touches her. She’s unable to move much while in the pillar as its meet to be a shield and thus she can’t do much more. If a person tries to enter it while it’s up the chances of them becoming stun becomes higher as the voltage increases.
Name: Lighting Bolt
Spell Type: Offensive
Casting Time: One Post
Duration of Spell: One Post
Range: 10 feet
Chances of Success: 55%
Chances of Fail: 45%
Description: This was the first spell her father taught her. Using her staff she’s able to send out a bolt of electricity which can do some damage such as burn skin and well stun the body part it hit. It’s not as dangers as many other spells but it’s her only forum of attack for now. There also chances that it can back fire on her and hurt her at times. Once its reaches its range it disappears.