1. Buy art for me and joanna.
2. Buy sis those slippers.
3.Buy art From xXUnwanted-SoulXx
4. Buy art of me and liz's avitar
5. Buy art of me and stacys avitar
6. Buy art of me and lonely_tear drops avitar
7.buy art of me and chibi yukari
8.start quest for my first item on my list.
9.get sis elemental wings
10.buy fan art of my avi
11.get sis yokos treasure
12.get xXUnwanted-SoulXx art work for her b-day
14.get silver link Angelic Microphone
16.donate an item from xo_sports_angel_ox's heartfelt's wishlist to her
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"... the people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded...Never forget them."