Guardian/Parent: I Stalk Waffles
Full Name: Isadora (Izzi) Violet Ahrens
Hero Name: Lilium
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Shy, quiet, and kind. These are just a few words the discribe Isadora's personality. She dislikes attention, and hardly ever speak when she meets someone new. Or speaks to much. The girl is socialy akward, and hates to be in the spotlight. Luckily for her when she gets comfterble around someone she becomes less shy. The teenager's kind heart would do anything to help anyone, and when she puts on her costume she becomes someone else. Isadora becomes Lilium. The confident, loud, in your face, and everything Isadora isn't, and wants to be.
Likes: Singing: Isadora has been singing since she was seven years old. It is one of her many passions.When she sings she seems more care free, and no longer unsure of herself. It's also one of the few times she actualy dresses up. As she hates make up with a paisson.
Crime fighting: While she is shy, Isadora loves to help people. Even if it means risking her own life. Just like with singing crimfighting is one of the few times she breaks out of her shell.
Sweets: Yes she loves sweets like most people. After all they are her anti drug!
personal hygiene: Yes she is a clean freak when it comes to her personal hygiene. Isadora has never had a cavity, or oily hair in her life.
Poker: Yes Isadora loves to gamble. Even if it is just online. After all she doesn't have the nerves to ask anyone to play with her.
Dislikes: Being useless: It is more of a fear really. You see Isadora hates, and fears not being useful. To be the damsel in distress. The sidekick. The one who gets in the way. She refuses to do this. Which is why she trains herself, and hopes to prove herself along the way.
Distruction: While it comes with the job of being a hero. That doesn't mean she likes it. Some selfish villian decides to get bored, and decides to kill people! It makes her so mad! She just doesn't get how people can do that.
Crowds: Being the shy girl that she is Isdaora dosn't do well in crowds. They make her nervous, and even more quiet then she already is.
Powers/Abilities: Isadora is able to fly by creating winds strong enough to support her weight, the weight of others, and to propel her forward through the air. Isadora can thus travel as fast as any wind can, and has reached speeds up to 100 miles per hour.
She is also able to alter her visual perception so as to perceive electrical energy patterns. Along with being able to control moister in the air, the water in the clouds. And to bend the wind to her will.
Weaknesses: Server cold, and speed based attacks. Isadora is far from immune to the cold. Infact she can't stand it. Not only does it keep her from controling the moister in the air, but it stops her concentration. She becomes to concerned with staying warm. Leaving her open to attacks. Not to mention that speed attacks can easily break though her defences.
Weapons: Nope. : D
History: Isadora is the only child of two writers. She has had a decent life , with only a few horrible things that have happend to her. She grew up middle class, with two out going parents, who tought her to love life, and do what she loved. That they would saport her no mater what it is. When they found out her passion was singing they put her in as many singing lessions they could, find and activites with other children who loved to sing like her. Sounds fun right? Not for Isadora. From a young age she has been compleatly shy, and truly doesn't like to talk to many people. The only time anyone in the class paid attention to her was when she sung. Mostly because it was the only time she actualy seemed out going, and care free.
A few years passes, and Isadora was finally entering highschool. Her parents once again hoped for her to make some new friends.
She became bestfriends with a boy named Zack who she sat next to in art class. They were always togather. And he was the only one who she actualy said more then five words to. Yes things were going great for her. That is untill her powers started showing up. It started small. She would ocasionly show a person, when she opend a door a small gust of wind would flow. If it was to hot a small drizle would apear.
Untill they started to get out of control. Isadora would wake up flying over her bed, lighting striking anything metal, rain pouring down, mixed with harsh winds trashing her room. This continued up untill the point where Ian came to visit her. When she went to go hug him she acidently electrocuted him. Thankfully the paramedics arived on the sceen in time to restart his heart. Zack forgave her, but she couln't forgive herself. And now refuses to use lighting, at least untill she can figure out how to use it without killing anyone.
Ever since then she has trained herself to control her powers for the last three years. While she still doesn't compleastly have a grasp on them. She has a much better understanding of them, and has created new way to fight with them.
Isadora was only a few weeks in to her senior year when she was asked to join Power City's Hero institute. The second she was finished reading the letter, she was already up stairs packing.
If you had your own theme song...: T.a.T.u.-Clowns
Other: Isadora has a habbit of day dreaming. She will often space out at the strangest of times, and daydream.