Vance looked over his shoulder cautiously, many of the noises he'd heard couldn't be explained, but like all his other dreams nothing had come to harm him. Vance wondered aimlessly through this detailed dream-scape and eventually came to an open field. As suddenly as the wind had changed there stood a being, from where Vance stood it didn't look entirly human. Another moment passed and he was back again, on the bus as he cursed his luck, he still didn't get to see their face. Vance felt sure that the person in his dream would be the one who could help him escape this mundane life. Vance looked out the window to the heavy grey clouds as it slowly begun to rain. Predictably the bus would stop not too far off from his apartment block entrance.
He'd made it another day, working in the city then returning home without incident. Vance begged to sky to strike out at the bus, even the street near-by, he would take anything. But as moment after moment slipped on the lightning danced around the highrise buildings of his over-crowded district. Vance exited the bus and walked slowly in the rain, he never got sick so doing so would only further break his routine to have a shower before dinner. Vance sighed, was there anything worth dreaming about anymore?
(Please no one liners. You can be anything. Male or female. Just be someone who messes up his life in an interesting way. No chase scenes. literacy is appreciated but as long as it's readable it's fine. Thank you.)