Age: 21
DoC- Cocaine
Appearance- Black hair, lost, lonely green eyes that search for the love of someone, as well as empty in the search for another fix. He wears bandages on each arm, as he hides the junkie side of him that abuses heroine. He stands about five foot eleven, with pale white skin, and dark circles under his eyes from the lack of sleep that cocaine provides the user with.
The Life of a Drug Addict- Rain had a mixed life growing up. His mother and father fought constantly, and so his father was constantly in and out of his life. Finally one day his father never came back, and at only twelve years of age he became the man of the house. His twin sister, Keelan Lilly, became addicted to sex, and heroine when they were sixteen.
One day after school, Keelan didn't come home. Rain and his mother stayed up for days waiting for news on her condition, but after several weeks of searching, her dead body came up in a landfill twenty miles from their home. After that, Rain quickly became addicted to Cocaine. He felt that it washed away the pain of losing his twin sister, and their father. He hid his addiction from his mother, whom he loves with his entire being, and he knows that if she knew she'd be devastated. She was all he had left.
One day when he was out on the street looking for some drugs to obtaine for cheap, he met up with a shady dealer in an alley behind a pharmacy. As he was walking back towards his home, he was suddenly surrounded by the poilce force, and tazed as he tried to run. He began to cry as his mind thought of his sister, and how his nother would be worried about him. Immediately, he was taken to prison, and found guilty. He was sentenced to two years in a maximum rehab facility, and visited often by his mother.
Addicted to- Rain also likes to use Heroine, hence the bandages on his arms, and will smoke weed from time to time.
Music interests- Rain plays the guitar, and his favorite song is Closure by Divine Hersey

Name- Keelan Lilly LeMasters
Age- 16, (would be 21)
DoC- Heroine
Appearance- Keelan looks like her mother, red hair, skinny, excited lavander eyes full of contempt for the man who ruined their family.
The Life of a Drug Addict- Keelan had a mixed life growing up. Her mother and father fought constantly, and so her father was constantly in and out of her life, as well as her twin brother, Rain's. Finally, one day their father never came back. Their mother was devastated, and took up drinking heavily. Keelan became her care giver, and at sixteen, it all became too much for her to handle.
She started dating, and her first boyfriend raped her, and she hid it from everyone she knew. Soon she realized that being raped made her want to have have sex constantly, and so she began cheating on her boyfriend, and searching for boys, and girls to party with, and even have secxual relations with. Another girl, Ramona, introduced her to heroine one night after they lay in bed after a session of love.
A year later, only a week after her seventeenth birthday that she shared with her twin brother, she went out with a couple of guys who promised to hook her up, and had seemed interested in her body. Once they reached their destination, they proceeded to jerk her from the car, rape her, and beat her until she lay motionless, and dead on the pavement. They dumped her in a garbage dumpster, and drove away with out a second thought. Several months later, her body was found after a long futile search to find her alive.
Addicted to- Keelan also enjoyied tripping on extasy, and when she was doing so she attended many raves so that she could forget for a night that she had to take care of her mother.
Music interests- Keelan played the clarinet as well as the flute. She was the drum major of the high school band.