Rocky and the Lone Wolf Deego the bond of Life
In a town covered in forest and wilderness far that the eye can see where their was no pain no death and no war the town of Gorundshar their was a shy but great fighter boy by the name of Rocky Kaven he was about 13 when he's mother and father both died in the war still going on in the capitol of GrandHeyven He try's he's hardest at everything trying to help out the town that raised him weather it was going out looking for herb's or helping the people with jobs, even helping the beast's in the wilderness. He was a helpful boy with a sad look on he's face it was just how he was he was tall with long purple hair had a wilderness look about him he's eye's were green and wired light armor that was black and white with a stronger body he study for a long time in fighting but he was a rookie at it but he's counter's were great he had a best friend in the town named Shelly their were very tight like brother and sister he also had other friends in other town's Zero Seth and Endy. Today was the day everything will change for Rocky the war will come to them...
*Rocky woke up like every other morning got up and put on he's armor and left he's hair a mess like always he looked into the mirror with a sad look on he's face he always felt like this and never wonder why he just went with it as he ran out the door passing by all the town people heading to do all the thing's on he's job list*
* the people in town started to talk*
Male town folk1 start's to talk "well their goes that Rocky kid he's been a big help to use all the forest is a bad place for us but he can read the frost like a book"
female townfolk2 answer's back " he's a sweet heart I am glad we have a boy like that in are town I told u if we raised him he would be such a big help to us all it's a shame that he's mother and father dead in that blasted war.. The poor boy... At lest he has shelly their the best of friends"
Meanwhile in the forest*
*Rocky was just finishing he's herb gathering picking up the last sher mushroom for a sleeping cure and put it into the basket and felt someone was watching him but it was to late he was pounced on by Shelly Rocky blushed and yell*
"S-Shelly!? What the heck u gave me a heart attack!!!! I thought u were one of those bear looking for food gee"
Shelly was a very cute girl a bit shorter then Rocky with brown long hair and deep blue eyes a soft face and sweet look about her she was always Crushing on Rocky and jumping on him when ever she can she had on a black tank top with a white skirt and a neckless around her neck that Rocky gave to her for her 13 b-day.
*He let out a big sigh as she yell at him*
"Rocky!!!! u said u were going to come get me so we can do this together!!! I am mad at u! *she jumped off him and looked the other way*
Rocky got up with a wtf look on he's face as he told her*
"Ur the one that did it get up in time I told u to put ur timer on 7am not 12pm sleepy head i cant keep going to wake u up it take time out of my day!*
*she gasped at him and throws a mushroom at his head and yelled at him*
"U big sticky meany head! u have to come get me cuz my timer is broken! grr"
*Rocky looked at her and sighed as he got hit in the head by the mushroom he put her hand on her shoulder and said to her let's go we need to return this stuff and get back to the list k *
*Shelly looked at him and growled at him*
"Fine let's go but ur not getting off this easy mister ill race u!!"
*She ran down the forest path as she raced fast to town Rocky was going to take he's time and walk their she will be fine by her self she is shelly after all he said to him self*
*He walked to the town and saw some sky rider fly over head they were from the GrandHeyven Capitol that was it a good sign now he started to worry as more of the sky rider’s flow over he's head it was a bomb squad a big one in fact it looked like they were heading to town he's town he dropped the basket full of stuff as he ran down the path of the forest hopping shelly got lost and didn’t make it to town in time before he did just then he got to a cliff where he could see he's town not far from were he was standing and saw something horrible a huge bomb dropped from one of the ship's and exploded the hole town as the shock wave hit him he went flying into the air as he got up a few sec later he was bleeding from all the sharp metal that flow that far away as he limped to see his ruined town nothing but ash and death everyone was dead he saw a sky rider start to take off from the place as they brought on board a lil girl it was shelly she was fine but was taken away as the sky rider lifted off and flied away he barely stood their bleeding broken bone's and a scar on he's face going straight down on he's left eye tear going down he's eye and looked around seeing all the wild life dead as he yell*
*he fell to the floor lying in a pool of he's own blood he's vision starting to fail him as he thought this is it I am going to die... Shelly I am sorry...*
*just the he saw a Yamamackin in front of him was a Wolf knight emerald green wolf eye's tall and covered in emerald green armor he's skin covered in bedrock with a full moon on he's chest plate and rock spike's from the shoulder pad's he's emerald gauntlets and he’s emerald green greaves on he's feet as he put out he's hand and said*
"u don’t have to die I have picked u Rocky ur Feeling to help and to protected other has given me hope in this world in human's u are that once human that care's u been hurt by them and yet u still help them even thought u have lost everything u feel the forest the ground the earth as one I know this because I am the ground the forest the wilderness i am Deego the Earth Wolf and I want to Merger with ur soul ur body is broken and death is near if u want to live and get ur revenge and save shelly give me ur right hand and everything well feel better u and me will become one u will be faster stronger and able to do thing u never done before Rocky... grab my hand.. And Say Deego Sprit Merge"
*Rocky looked up at the Wolf and put he's hand up and said*
For Shelly... My town my friend’s ill get them all back for what they have done to me!.. Deego Spirt Merge!
*A flash of Green light lit up the sky as he's soul came out of he's body and merged with deego's they become one and he's body left's up in the air changing he's long purple hair get's wilder then it looked be for as he's body started to get hard as a rock as he's feet were wolf's feet covered in a emerold greaves he's hands became claws and a emerald gauntlet covered them. he's old armor turned emerald green and had a moon in the chest plate then he's eye's chanced to wolfs eye's emerald green as he's body was repaired the light faded and the 2 had became one it set him on the ground as he open he's eye's he saw a black head band that shelly made for him on the ground he put it on and tied it around he's head as he looked on he's face the scar was still their it was their to remind him of that day the sad look was replaced by anger he felt not sad he felt hole he also felt Deego in side him he looked up into the sky with he's finger pointing to the GarndHeyven and said*
" I am no longer Rocky Keven he died that day the bomb dropped i am Rocky Kenpo the lone wolf of the earth and I well find u shelly.. One day...”
*7 year's had passed as the war was getting really bad he was 20 now*
*after all the year's went by he learn everything from Deego how to use he's power what they were and what was he weakness he had and control of a earth related element even the plant's and the forest it's self he then new it was time to leave he was fully growed he looked just the same but bigger and stronger looking he was extrely attractive he then walked out of the town for the first time and looked back at the town seeing the ghost of the town's people wavering and say they loved him and wish him good luck he turn he's back to the town as a tear rolled he's cheek he said*
“I love u all and well always love u"
*As he walked away for the town and to never return again*
End of Rocky's starter

(this is what Rocky look's like i dont have any changes other then the eye's and armor color)
(by Rocky)