Hi there! My name is Jessica Carpenter smile I am 15 now. Im in high school.... and i have an amazing boyfriend... fiance smile Im engaged to the most wonderful, most valued person in my life! Seth Carnahan smile
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Dear Bloggers,
Today was interesting... well let me tell you whats happened 2 months ago... ok there's this girl named Ashley, Ashley Carter. She dated Seth a month before i dated him, they were together for about, 4 months. She dated him,(from what i heard, she would boss him around and such and he would have to be at her beck and call) Then she broke up with him. He said she cheated on him. She told him that her mom made her break up with him. She told me, he broke up with her. Idk what happened. So now she's trying to be my best friend. Yeeeeaaaah Rright. So she's telling me all this bull, about she was never in love with him, and it was more like, an i love you, you love me... hahaha hehehe kinda relationship. But come to find out, shes been trying to get all over him behind my back. He has to get rides from her because, the pincipal said he would get arrested if he stays on school property after 3:30. So its like, get a ride home with her or go to jail. soo bleh. The first time i found out was when he called me, saying she was pushing up on a wall and breathing on his neck and such. I was at chucky cheese with my best friend Brooke, at her little sisters birthday party. But earlier that day, she told him i was looking through his wallet when i went to get it out of ISS room for him. But no i was making sure, he still had his money, insurance, and drivers liscense like he told me to do. But theres this picture of him and her of there last homecoming. And she told him i got mad when some ppl where looking at it asking if i was mad. I really wasnt. I actually didnt care until she told him that. So hes think i stole his money, because after i got the wallet i went to Subway across the street to get a sweet tea. I got it with my 2 dollar lunch money. So while he was with her i was on the phone with him yelling at him saying he still has feelings for her and trusts her, more than me. lol anyways... that night at chucky cheese with brooke he calls me.... telling me everything that happened. Im bauling my eyes out, wanting to beat her @ss. Me saying," I knew this would happen! I just knew it!" and him saying, " I swear on our relationship, i didn't do anything! You know I wouldn't want to hurt you" Me:"I don't know anymore" Him:" Please dont tell her you know, and please dont beat her@ss, I dont want you to get expelled, then i wouldn't get to see you anymore, and I love you" Me:" Just promise me you didnt, and that if anything would happen, that you could at least break up with me, and hurt me, instead of cheat and rip my heart out" Him:"I promise baby, please dont cry, it hurts me, please, I love you sooooo much, and I didnt want to tell you this to cry, I just wanted to tell you before you found out from somone else, and thought i did something wrong" and soooo on lol. Well thats why my favorite lines are "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." or the one by Edgar Allen Poe, "Revenge is a dish best served cold" smile (fyi/i do hold grudges)
OK thats why I don't like this girl Ashley, to the interesting part. Ok, my best friend Valerie, dated this guy named Marcus. Everyone told her that he cheated with some girl named Ashley. That he went to the movies with her and Ivan. I had an idea that it was Ashley.. Ashley Carter. Because I knew she tryed to fool around with him like 2 months after me and seth were dating. And I think last year her and Marcus dated. So anywho.. well, I told Valerie that the only Ashley that i knew that would do that would be her. Because her mom is the manager of the grand(the movies). So i spent the night with Valerie this past weekend. About 2 in the morning on a saturday by then, she confronted him about it. He got sad... saying he didnt mean too and everything, Valerie was kinda sad. But i didnt care because I think Ivan would treat her sooooo much better. Plus theyve known eachother for about 4 years. Oh did i mention Ashley dated Ivan too. But he cheated on her, lol she deserved it. Her fooling around with Marcus. So now Valerie and Ivan are dating, YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol heart llloooovvvveeee!! but now Valerie is worried about being called a hoe. She never did anything with Marcus besides hug him and plus he cheated on her. So do you think shes a hoe??
~ heart ~Jessica~ heart ~