Here's a story I've been working on. Read it if you want and tell me what you think of it. I call it Tears of Blood and this is it's 1st chapter (Yes, I right n chapters.) I tried to make spaces at the front of each paragraph but gaia wouldn't let me. SorryI know there's a lot, please bare with >m<"
Orenello Vonno Zeiguilan is a kind hearted and caring man, he had snow white hair and fair skin to match. His wife, Jurie Chiel Zeiguilan, was a beautiful woman with grey blonde hair and fair skin. They were both 30 at the time and had two sons. The eldest, Lucifer Hellion Zeiguilan had golden blonde hair and was 9 years old while Hasrif Nashder Zeiguilan, their youngest son, had grey hair and was 6.
Orenello has been the god of the worlds since his father past away centuries ago. Things have been peaceful through out the time he had been in charge and everyone lived in harmony under his guidance. Everyone was always loyal to him never questioning his decisions.
Jurie had been pregnant for the past 8 in a half months and Orenello refused to leave her side for fear of not being there when his children were born. Lucifer and Soujirou usually stayed at home because to them it was boring to follow their parents everywhere. But today they decided to go with them.
“Father! Mother!” yelled Lucifer and Hashrif as they came running down the steps in front of their mansion.
“Father can’t we come with you to Uncle Zahar’s house?” asked Hashrif as he reached his parents.
“Mother please can we come? It’s boring staying here.” said Lucifer as he reached them.
“Well, I suppose there’s no harm in it. I‘m sure your uncle would love to see you.” said their father. “What do you think?” he turns as he asks his wife.
“It’ll be fine if they come.” she answers him. Then she turns to both Lucifer and Hasrif with a serious look. “Just remember your manners and don’t cause any trouble.”
“We won’t!” they both say.
Their mother sighs knowing they weren’t serious and enters the car.
A few minutes later they had reach their destination. When the car came to a stop in front of the mansion they all stepped out of the car. A man with long light purple hair came to great them as soon as they were out of the car.
“Welcome, Orenello, Jurie and you’ve even brought the kids with you! How nice to see you‘re all well and healthy.” he says as he shakes Orenello’s hand.
“It’s good to see you too Zahar.” said Orenello.
“Good afternoon, Uncle Zahar.” said both Lucifer and Hashrif.
“Good afternoon, boys.” he ruffles their hair before turning to face Jurie. “Good afternoon, Jurie.”
“Good afternoon.” she says smiling at him.
“Well, please come in we can have afternoon tea in the garden today if you’d like.” says Zahar leading them to the garden entrance.
“That would be lovely. Wouldn’t it boys?” said Orenello as he and Jurie follow Zahar.
“Yes.” they answer.
“Where is your son, Zahar?” asks Jurie.
“Most likely waiting for your sons in the garden already. Renli just loves playing with them after all..” he answers opening the door to the garden.
“Yeah, we do.” answers Hashrif.
“Yeah, we just love to torment each other.” adds Lucifer.
“Well as long as you don’t injure each other it’s fine.” said Orenello taking a seat.
“You should be more serious about this. What if they get hurt?” said Jurie sitting at the chair next to Orenello.
“Then they’ll have learnt to be more careful.” he says lazily.
“Honestly do you even care about them?” she sighs and says in a voice full of frustration.
“Calm down, Jurie. It’s not like he hasn’t always been this way.” said Zahar as he poured tea into cups and placed them in front of Jurie and Orenello. By then Lucifer and Hashrif had gone off to play with Renliaro.
“And you’d think he’d have matured since then.” she says after sipping the tea.
“True but he does take things seriously in his own way.” he placed some biscuits on the table and sat next to Jurie.
“Yes, I know he does. Even if his way is absolutely annoying.” she took another sip of her tea. “Where are the children?
“I think they went to play somewhere.” said Orenello in a daze.
“Why did you say something then?!” exclaims Jurie. “What if they get hurt? Or worse?”
“Calm down. Their smart boys, they can handle themselves.” he stood up from his seat and push Jurie back onto hers. “I’ll go find them. You and Zahar stay here.”
“No. I want to come with you.” she says but he holds her down.
“You are pregnant and shouldn’t be moving around so much and I don’t want you to get stressed. You will stay here Jurie.” he said settling the matter and walked off to find the boys.
“Really! Does he think that I’m really that incapable just because of this?!” she says pointing at her bulging stomach.
“He just doesn’t want anything to happen to you or the baby that’s all.” said Zahar pouring her more tea. “Besides, he has a point. You shouldn’t be moving to much you’re expecting them soon.”
“Very soon. It’s almost been 9 months since I became pregnant.” she said sipping her tea.
“Then you really can‘t blame him for worrying.”
Meanwhile, inside the library Hashrif and Renliaro were fighting over who could climb the shelves of books fastest and Lucifer was starting to get annoyed at them.
“How long are you going to argue about this? I bet neither of you could do it.” he said from on top of the table he was sitting on.
But Hashrif and Renliaro weren’t listening. Instead they decided to have a contest to see who was faster.
“This is a bad idea.” sighs Lucifer.
“Shut up!” they both say as they started climbing the shelves.
Lucifer jumped of the table and walked towards the shelves they were climbing. “You two had better get down from there! Now! Or else I’ll tell our parents!” he yelled at them.
“Shut up, would you Luce?! You sound like our mom!” Hashrif yelled back.
“Hash! Renli! If you don’t get down now I really will tell on you!”
“I dare you too!” they yelled at Lucifer.
Just as Lucifer was about to open the door out of the library it creaked open and his father walked in. “There you are. Your mother is worried sick about you. Why didn’t you tell us where you were-” he was about to lecture Lucifer when he spotted Hasrif and Renliaro climbing the shelves. “Hasrif! Renli! Get down! Now!”
“Father?!” Hashrif started climbing down immediately when he saw his father there and so did Renli.
“Exactly what were you thinking? What if you had fallen? You could‘ve gotten hurt. You could‘ve died!” Orenello had brought them all back to the garden and told Jurie and Zahar what they were up to and now the boys were being told off by Jurie. “Honestly if your father hadn’t found you in time I don’t know what might have happened!”
“Yes, mother but it’s not like we could’ve gotten hurt that badly.” Hashrif said defensively. “I mean it’s not like any of us are normal people.”
“Shut up, Hash.” whispered Lucifer. He knew that their mother was already furious without him making things worse.
“So you think you’re invincible just because of that?” she said sounding more and more furious.
“No, of course not. But-”
“No buts! You are both grounded do you here me grounded!”
Nobody said anything not even the boys for they knew that the matter was final and that they wouldn’t be going anywhere for a long time.
A few weeks had passed since then. Soujirou and Lucifer were always with their mother and father, their parents were afraid to leave them alone incase they did something like that again. On one late night Jurie had been waiting for Orenello to return from Zahar’s house, they had urgent matters to discuss. It was a little past eleven when he returned.
“Welcome back.” Jurie stood from their bed and went to greet Orenello as he came in the door.
“Why are you still awake?” he asked as she came. “You didn’t have to wait for me.”
“I know. I wanted to.”
“I appreciate it.” he said smiling.
Suddenly Jurie felt a sharp pain inside her and she held onto Orenello’s arm to balance herself.
“What’s wrong?” he asked alarmed and helped hold her steady.
“My water broke.” she whispered as the pain increased.
“What?! Hang on, I’ll get you to the hospital, just try and hold it!” he quickly called the hospital to let them know what was happening and hurriedly brought her there soon after.
It had been nearly an hour since they reached the hospital, Jurie was already in the labor room when Jack brought Lucifer and Hashrif to the hospital where their parents were. Orenello had been staring at the clock intensely since they had taken his wife in, the wait was making him more and more agitated.
“It won’t go any faster just because you’re staring at it.” Jack said.
“I know that. And thank you for bringing my kids.” he said finally turning away from the clock.
“No problem. Just relax, it’s not like this is her first time.” he patted Orenello’s shoulder.
“I know.”
The clock struck midnight when they heard the crying of babies come from the room where Jurie was. Both Orenello and Jack stood as they heard the sound. Then a doctor came out and walked up to Orenello.
“Congratulations, your wife has just given birth to two beautiful twins.” he said smiling.
“Good for you.” said Jack.
Orenello was at a lost for words. He quickly went into the room. When he entered he saw his wife looking over at the babies the nurses were holding and went to stand next to his wife’s bed.
“How do you feel?” he asked when he had reached.
“Fine.” she said bluntly.
He was shocked at how unemotional her voice sounded but decided to not ask why. “I see.”
Just as he said that the two nurses came forward each holding one of the babies. He could see that one of them had light blond hair while the other had jet black hair. He was surprised to see that one had black hair at all since no one in his or Jurie’s family had black hair.
“Would you like to hold them?” one of the nurses asked.
Jurie was quite for a minute before answering “I only want to hold the girl.” she said coldly.
“Oh. Alright then.” the nurse carrying the blonde haired baby came forward and handed Jurie the baby.
Orenello was bewildered as to why she was acting like this. Then he asked the nurse if she would give him the other baby and she handed the baby to him. Jack came in with Lucifer and Hashrif just as he was taking the baby.
“Well don’t they look cute.” Jack said standing next to Orenello.
“One of them anyway.” Jurie said even more coldly.
Jack was taken aback by her attitude and stared at her for a minute before turning to Orenello. “Did something happen?” he asked in a hushed tone.
“I’ve been asking myself that question since coming in.” he whispered back.
Lucifer then came up to Orenello. “I want to see.” he said excitedly. “Is it a boy or a girl?”
“Boy.” he answered.
The nurses left so that they could get some privacy.
Hashrif went to his mother. “I want to see too!”
His mother smiled and said “Of course you can.” and she showed him his new sibling.
“Is it a boy of girl?” he asked looking at the baby.
“A girl-”
Orenello was about to let Lucifer hold the baby in his hand when Jurie screamed “Don’t you dare touch it Lucifer!”. Both Orenello and Lucifer stop in their tracks and stared at her in confusion. Jack and Hashrif were also staring at her confused at her sudden rage.
“Jurie, you’ve been acting strange since I came in here. What is the matter with you?” Orenello said breaking the silence.
“Just don’t let anyone else touch it.”
“Why?” he asked even more confused.
“Because that thing is pure evil. I know it is.”
“Jurie. That child is yours. How can you say such a thing about your own baby?” Jack sounded just as confused as Orenello.
“No! That thing definitely isn’t my baby!” she shouted sounding extremely angry now.
Orenello was shocked at what she had just said but still kept quite.
Frighten by their mother’s behavior Lucifer and Hashrif went to stand behind their father. They were staring at their parents not understanding what was happening.
“Jurie, what’s gotten into you?” ask Orenello.
“I want you to kill it.” she looked at him with seriously. “I want you to kill that thing.”
He was shocked by her so much that he completely lost the ability to talk. He just stared at her not saying anything.
“You can’t possibly mean that?!” exclaims Jack when Orenello doesn’t say anything. “What’s wrong with you? Have you gone insane? Why would you want to do such a thing?!” he turned to Orenello looking both angry and serious. “You can’t possibly be thinking of killing that baby? That’s your child! Are you really going to just kill him?!”
As if just remembering something important he had decided on what he was going to do. “Jurie, I don’t know what maybe wrong with you right now but I am not going to murder my own son and that’s final.” he said seriously.
She stared at him shocked at what he had just said. She was at a disbelief that he could say such a thing to her. “You can’t do that! You have to kill it! If you won’t then I will!” she grab the baby and threw him out the open window beside her, smiling as if she had accomplish something worthy of being praised.
Both men weren’t quick enough to prevent this and froze when they saw her throw the baby out the window completely shocked. But they never heard a sound from the outside. Bewildered they all stared waiting for the sound of something hitting the ground but it never came. Then out of nowhere a hand grabbed onto the ledge of the window and pulled the rest of it’s body up. When the figure had climb in they recognized the person to be a friend of Jurie and he was carrying the baby she had thrown out the window in his other hand.
“My, my, it seems someone tried to throw this child out the window.” he said coolly.
“Korui! What are you doing here?! What were you doing out there?!” shouted Jurie pointing at him and then out the window extremely enraged by this sudden turn of events.
“I heard that you were giving birth so I decided to come see. Just as I arrived I saw this baby being thrown and came to save it. I’m surprised it came from in here.” his voice contained a hint of anger in it. “What happened?”
“She threw her own child out the window that’s what. And before that she was shouting at Orenello to kill the baby.” Jack said obviously trying to hold back his rage.
“Korui give me the baby.” said Orenello.
“As you wish.” he said handing the baby to Orenello. Then he turned to Jurie. “What were you thinking? Throwing a baby from the window? That isn’t at all like you.” he was both disappointed and frustrated. “And asking the babies own father to kill it? Why?”
“Because,” she sounded as if she was about to explode in anger now. “That thing, whatever it is, is evil. It’s pure evil I say. I know it is! When I was still pregnant I had horrible, terrifying dreams. They were horrible, I say. And I know it has to be because of that thing!” she was talking through gritted teeth.
“Nothing is pure evil.” Korui said.
“That’s right.” Jack agreed.
“What would you know?! You’re all imbecile’s!” she shouted.
“Jack, Korui, Lucifer, Hashrif, we’ll leave Jurie alone for tonight. Let’s leave the room now.” Orenello said as he walked towards the door. “Get some sleep for tonight Jurie.”
She stared at him with anger. “You’re not going to listen to me are you?” she said furiously. “If I see that thing in my house when I get back, I swear I’ll kill it!” her expression said that she wasn’t lying.
“Good night Jurie.” Orenello said closing the door behind him.
When they had reach home Orenello sent both Lucifer and Hashrif to bed. He had also asked Jack and Korui to follow him back.
“Do you honestly believe she could know such a thing?” Orenello asks exasperated by what had happened.
“Honestly? No. Even if she is the child’s mother. That kind of thing can’t be told until the child is grown.” answers Korui.
“Exactly. There’s just no way she’ll know something like that so easily.” said Jack. “Still, what will you do?” he asked.
“Obviously he can’t keep the boy here. Jurie wasn’t playing when she said she’d kill him if she sees the boy here.” said Korui.
“I suppose I’ll have to keep him somewhere else. Somewhere Jurie won’t find him.” he said worriedly looking at the baby in his arms.
“True. But where?” asked Korui. “You can’t send him too far. After all, he is still your child, gods child.”
“I know. Jack, will you look after Sora?” he said looking straight at Jack.
“What?! Me?! But, but I couldn’t possibly! His your child what if I mess up?! What if something happens?! What if-.. Did you just name him?”
“Yes.” Orenello was now smiling as the baby tugged at his finger. “I’ve decided to call him Sora.”
“What no full name?” asks Korui.
“Soraga Strifferra Zeiguilan, will be his name then.” he said smiling even wider. Then he turned to Korui. “Happy?” he said sarcastically.
“I’m so glad your back to normal now.” said Jack. “But still why me?”
“Because I trust you to take good care of him.” he said seriously. And then he stood and walked to Jack. “Will you be willing to take care of Sora?” he asked more seriously this time.
He was shocked and happy that Orenello trusted him enough to ask him such a thing and finally decided. “Yes, I will you look after Sora for you.” he said shakily.
“Coward.” coughed Korui.
“What?!” Jack stood as Korui said this.
“Now’s not the time for this.” said Orenello as he placed Sora in Jack’s arms. “I’ll need you to help make sure Jurie never finds out about this as well Korui. You and Jurie are rather close friends. Are you willing to help?”
“Of course I’ll help. Just ask and I’ll do whatever you want.” he said solemnly.
“For now I just want the both of you to go back to Jack’s house and make sure it’s safe for Sora to be there. I’ll go see Zahar in the morning and then come to meet you both when I can.”
“Understood.” answered Jack and Korui.
“Jack, under no circumstances are you to ever leave Sora alone. Korui, I know you’re busy with your own business but I’d like you to be around to help Jack as much as possible.”
“What will you tell Jurie?” asked Korui.
“It’s not like I have any other choice but to tell her that Sora is dead. As long as she believes that then it should be fine.”
“I was against the whole thing though. What will you say if she asks about me?” said Jack.
“I’ll tell her you and I had a fight about it and that we severed our relationship. That way she won’t have any reason to go anywhere near you and I’m free to come and go as I please without her noticing. The area where you live isn’t somewhere she usually goes anyway.” he said coolly.
“Then it’s decided.” said Jack.
“There’s no turning back after this though.” said Korui. “This should be a fun little game no?” he had a smile on his face.
“True. Then you should be on your way.” he said as they all went to the front door. “Good night.” he closed the door as Jack and Korui left.
The next day, just as he said he would, Orenello went back to the hospital and told Jurie he had killed Sora. He had also told Lucifer and Hashrif the same thing during breakfast.
“You did?” asked Jurie surprised. “You really did?”
“But I thought you agreed with Jack? You both agreed killing it was wrong?”
“Yes but then I thought that you obviously knew what you were talking about. Jack wasn’t happy about it though. He refuses to speak to me ever again.”
“And I don’t blame him.” Lucifer said.
“Neither do I.” said Hashrif.
“How dare you both talk like that to your father! He did the right thing.” said Jurie looking at her sons.
They didn’t reply.
“Let them be Jurie. We should be going now. You need your rest.” he said beckoning the boys to follow him as he opened the door. “I almost forgot. Did you name her yet?” he looked at the baby in her hands as he asked.
“Yes. I’ve decided to call her Zin, short for Zindrano. Her full name is Zindrano Croixzera Zeiguilan.” she said smiling at the baby.
“I see.” he closed the door and left.
“Hashrif, Lucifer and I will be going to visit Jack for a bit. I want you to go straight home.”
“What? Why can’t I come?” he asked.
Lucifer was surprised at his father.
“Because it’s private and your not old enough.”
“Liar! I’m going too!”
“You are to go straight home Hashrif and that is final.”
“Orenello? What are you doing here?”
Jack was shocked to see him so soon after what happened last night. Korui had left in the morning to tend to his own private matters.
“I needed to confirm something with Lucifer.” he lowered his voice before continuing. “About Sora.”
“Your going to tell him?” he asked unsure.
“Because I think he might have a special bond with Sora. And if that is true then there’s no keeping him from Lucifer no matter where we hide him.”
“What makes you say that?”
“When I told him and Hashrif that I killed Sora this morning and he didn’t hesitate to confront me about it. He even said he knew I was lying. How many little boys have you met who do and say something like that when their father tells them he killed someone?”
“A lot?”
“Just take us to, wherever it is, your hiding Sora.” he said exasperatedly.
In a few minute he had led them to the highest floor of the house and opened the door to the only room on that floor. The room they entered was brightly colored and filled with stuffed animals and dolls, there were also many flowers surrounding the room.
Orenello and Lucifer were at a lost for words upon seeing the room.
“Don’t say it…” said Jack sternly.
“Say what?” Lucifer said sarcastically.
“That he’s a lunatic.” Orenello said through muffled laughter. “It’s only been a few hours since I gave you Sora and you do this?”
“You were the one who asked me to look after him!” he shouted.
“And now I love the fact that I choose you” he said still trying not to laugh.
“What does he mean? I don’t understand, what’s going on?” Lucifer now asked extremely confused.
“Lucifer, I did not kill your youngest brother. Last night I asked Jack and Korui to look after Sora for me.” he looked straight at Lucifer as he said this.
“What? But you, you told mother you did!” he was shocked and relieved at the same time. “Wait, then where is he? And what is his name?”
“His name is Sora. And I suggest looking in that stuffed animal covered cradle over there for him.” he was now trying to control his laughter again.
“Is it to much to ask you to shut your mouth?” Jack asked annoyed.
“Yes!” he couldn’t stop laughing.
Lucifer ran towards the cradle and peered inside. His sighed in relief as he saw the same baby he had seen last night in it. The baby was awake and looked as if it was wondering what the noise was about. “Their noisy aren’t they?” Lucifer asked him as he stroked Sora’s head.
Orenello and Jack were watching Lucifer now and they were rather surprised to find him taking the shock so well.
“I guess you were right.”
“Of course I was. I’m always right.” he said proudly.
“Sure you are.” he said while rolling his eyes.
Lucifer smiled and stared at the baby while he played with his hand. “Your really cute.”
Orenello stood behind Lucifer watching them. “You seem to really like him?”
“I don’t like Sky. I love him.” he said smiling.
“Sky?” he asked happily.
“I’m going to call him that from now on.”
“A pet name, so soon? You must really love him.”
“Jealous?” he said smirking.
“Oh yes, I’m so jealous.” he said sarcastically while turning towards the door. “I’ll leave you two alone to bond.”
Jack was waiting for him outside. When Orenello came out he quickly asked his question. “Well? What happened?”
“I bet you Lucifer will end up taking that boys virginity soon enough.” he said smiling.
“And that’s a good thing? You are a horrible father.”
“I don’t mind if their incest.” he said walking down the stairs.
“Well do you care if they’re gay?” he wondered.
“He can wear a dress for all I care.” he said while waving a lazy hand. “He and Zin are twins after all.
“Zin? You mean the twin? More importantly what if other people find out theirs gods children are gay with each other?”
“I don‘t see the problem with it as long as they love each other.” he said amused.
“You really are care free.” sighed Jack. “Tell me how does this amuse you?”
“Because most people born into our family are incest and gay anyway.”
“You mean your family of gods?”
“I still don’t see your point.”
“Lucifer is now in love with Sora.”
“That doesn’t just happen in this family. Anyone in it will fall in love with only, I repeat, only their soul mate or true love as most people would say.”
“Meaning Lucifer will eventually marry Sora?”
“Most likely, it‘s possible. And it’s probable for Hashrif and Zin too.”
“I wonder if they’ll all hate each other when their older. That’s what I’m worried about. If Sora comes to hate Zin, then Lucifer most likely will too. And if Hashrif does fall for Zin then he will most likely take her side. And that is something that must be prevented at all cost.”
“Your family members mustn’t conflict with each other. If that happens then a situation like you and your eldest brother might befall us again..”
“Brother never did like me. And I don’t want to see my children end up like him. He lives to kill me and take over. I absolutely can‘t die, at least not until one of my kids can take over.”
“Exactly why we can’t let him know Sora exist.”
They turned around and saw Korui coming towards them. “I was worried Jack might be going overboard and came to check up on things, I didn’t expect to see you though Nell. What brings you here?” he asked smiling.
“I came to check up on Sora and to see if Lucifer happened to be his soul mate.” Orenello said calmly.
“I see and how did that go?” he said just as calmly.
“Very well actually.”
“How can you two says things like that as if it were nothing?” Jack asked frustrated.
“You just have to go with the flow.” they both said.
“Are you both idiots?” he said annoyed.
“Jack’s mad he can’t be Sora’s soul mate. He was so hoping it would be him.” Korui said teasingly.
“What?” he said looking at Jack. “But you’re old. I prefer Lucifer for Sora. Anyway, you have Anely.”
“Had.” Jack said.
“Jack I didn’t mean it to sound insensitive. I know that she’s, well, gone now. You should let go of the past Jack.”
“Neither of you understand how it feels to lose your soul mate.”
“True. But you can’t blame me for never meeting mine.” said Korui.
“I think I’m starting to.”
Jack and Korui stared in surprise at what Orenello said. “What do you mean? Don’t say such things Jurie is still alive you know.” said Jack. “I’m sorry if I made you feel bad.”
“No that’s not it. Truth be told, I’ve been feeling as if each day we get further and further away from each other.”
“Well that explains why you were always with her even before you knew she was pregnant with Sora and Zin. Why didn‘t you say something?” said Korui worriedly.
“If you had then we would’ve helped.” said Jack.
“You know that people born in my blood line have the ability to sense the future before it happens, right? And be able to tell if we should interfere or not?”
“Yes.” they answered.
“Then trust me when I say that I absolutely can’t interfere with this. What ever is about to happen will happen. The most important thing to me now is to protect Sora.”
“But if there’s something you can do, why not do it?”
“The problem is I don’t know. I don’t know what will happen and I don’t know what to do about it.”
“Well if protecting Sora is your number one priority then I’ll help. I don’t like how Jurie was last night. If it has anything to do with what’s coming then I want to help as much as I can.” said Korui firmly.
“I’ll do anything you ask me to. I don’t want to lose people I love ever again.”
“So you do love Sora?” Orenello asked teasingly.
“I love him as if he were my own.” he said smiling.
“Thank you. Both of you.”
“What else are friends for?” they said sarcastically.
Back in Sora’s room. Lucifer still hadn’t left the cradle, he had a sick feeling in his stomach that told him he wouldn’t be able to see Sora again if he did and the last thing he wanted was to never see Sora again. He couldn’t understand it himself but he felt an unending love for the little boy before him. Lucifer didn’t really like babies, in fact he didn’t like people or even animals in general, it surprised him to realize how much he knew he loved this baby and how much it would hurt him if he suddenly wasn’t able to see him.
“Sky, do you feel anything? Of course not. You’re still only a baby. But I wonder if you feel anything for me, the way I do for you. Maybe you will when you’re older. But if mother knew you were still alive she probably won’t let me see you anymore.” he felt pain at the thought of this. “But even if she does say that I won’t listen to her. I won’t leave you. I know you won’t leave me, will you? You are mine after all. And all the proof I need are our feelings for each other and the mark that will appear on a part of our body. A person will know their soul mate because they’ll have the same mark on the same part of their body. A mark that’s supposed to describe their fate. I don‘t have one yet though. Father says it will appear on it‘s own anytime, it‘s never a specific time.”
He heard the door behind him open but he didn’t take his eyes of Sora. Then he turned as someone placed their hand on his shoulder.
“Just me.” said Korui.
“Oh.” he turned back to the cradle.
“Having fun?”
“You really do believe that his your soul mate, don‘t you?” He said amused.
“I don’t believe, I know his mine.” he said firmly.
“We’ll see when you both get your marks. Though if you’re already like this then it probably is true. A little one sided though. At the moment anyway.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that your precious soul mate is still a baby. The kind of love you’d get from a baby is one where you give him candy and he’ll let you hug him all you want. In other words, he’ll love anyone who feeds him.”
“Sky won’t love just anyone.”
“And how do you know?”
“Because Sky knows. He knows that mother hates him. And he knows that father wants to keep him from mother.”
Korui was shocked but then thought better of it. “Lucifer, Sora is still a baby. The only things he could possibly be thinking is how hungry or sleepy he is. Now let’s go, your father is waiting for you. You should go visit your mother again before going home.”
“Because something tells me that if I leave I might not see Sky again.”
Korui was again shocked. First, he thought, Orenello says something similar about Jurie and now his son says the same about the boy who might very well become his soul mate in the future. Korui decided to tell Orenello about this when he had the chance.
“Promise me something.” he said finally looking at Korui.
“If Jack fails. You won’t.”
“You underestimate Jack.”
“And if he does?”
“If he does then I will bring Sora straight to your father. He said that our first priority is to protect Sora and that is what we will do.”
“Why are you willing to abandon Jack?”
“Because we are doing this fully aware that if your malicious uncle or mother finds out we might very well lose our lives. Therefore, you have my word that I will not allow Sora to die under any circumstances.”
He considered this for a minute and decided to trust Korui. “Fine.” He turned and looked back at Sora, who had fallen asleep. He leaned over and kissed the baby’s forehead. “Good night, Sky.”
“He is safe.” Korui said from the door.
“If you say so.” he said taking one last look before going out the door.
“They’re taking a long time don’t you think?” Jack said while he and Orenello stood outside waiting for Lucifer and Korui to come.
“Lucifer probably doesn’t want to leave Sora yet.” he said looking at the sun.
“Are you going to visit Jurie?”
“I think it might be better to send Lucifer home. If he really is going to be Sora’s soul mate then I’m sure he won’t be all that happy to see the person who wants his soul mate to be dead.”
The door opened as Lucifer and Korui came down the stairs.
“Did you bond with Sky then?” Orenello asked Lucifer smiling.
“Yes. And only I can call him Sky. The rest of you can only call him Sora.” He said as he jumped into the car.
“Lucifer said some rather interesting things to me while we were still inside.” and he proceeded to tell them about his conversation with Lucifer not leaving out any detail. When he was done Jack was just staring almost expressionless and Orenello looked as if he was thinking so much it was painful.
“I see.” he said finally. “So that’s what you were talking about? Your sure you didn’t leave anything out?”
“Extremely sure.” Korui said.
“That’s something to consider.” Jack said.
“Precisely why I think it’s best I bring Lucifer here as much as possible. Staying with Sora might be good for him. It will ease his anxiousness.” he said looking at the window of Sora’s room.
“What if Jurie asks where he is? She won’t be in the hospital forever.” Jack said.
“I’ll say I sent him to a friends house. It’s not like he loves staying home anyway.”
“And Hashrif?” asked Korui.
“I think Hasrif would rather be around Zin if she really is his soul mate.”
“Then there shouldn’t be any problems.” they both said.
“No, there shouldn’t be. I’m sure Lucifer will want to come as much as possible but he’s unusually smart for his age, he knows better then to come to much.”
“You had better go see Jurie. She might get suspicious if you don’t come as often as you did the last two times she gave birth.”
“I know.” he said getting in the car. Lucifer opened the window and looked at them both.
“I’ll kill you both if anything happens to Sky.” his eyes changed from dark purple to blood red as he said this.
“Understood.” they said.
“Well then, we’ll come again soon.” Orenello said as the car drove off.
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Shi No Meshitsukai
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