5' 2"
Happily single!
Shes a sailor therefore the mouth of a sailor aswell. A smoker, usually cigarettes, joints, or a pipe. Fun loving and ambitious, but speaks out of turn quite often. Very loud and hyper all the time, with the ability to make sound affects which makes life alot more fun. [This character was based off of me in Real Life c: ]
A baggy blue and white striped shirt
usually no pants but if needed dark blue skinny jeans
Panties can be black, Pink, Red, or Brown. with various designs c:
black square frame glasses or contacts <3
hats. either my Sailor's Hat, or my Winter hat will do c: or no hat D;
her wrists are covered by a slew of bracelets: [x] [x]
eyes change colour, when happy dark to milkey brown, when mad a deep forest green
size 10 gauges, make them how ever you like c:
Shoes, usually brown Sperry Topsiders or Gray Converse with pink laces
very very curvy. large bottom and large breasts.
and for something of the sexy variety, put me in this and this
Pose Ideas:
Playing with rope or being tied up
Sailing on a Sunfish -type of small boat-
at a club/bar
typing on a laptop
smoking at a park
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