Layla Alyssa Staton I'm sorry a phone call Is the best I could do at this time Your busy But this on again off again Is start'n to mess with my mind So baby
Cover your eyes It can't hurt forever Soon I wont ever cross your mind Cover your eyes It don't see me going There's no way of knowing When it's time to cry Cover your eyes
Layla looked up and noticed that all the others were gone, so she got up and retrieved her paper work. She saw that she was in dorm number one. She headed out to find the dorms. She never used maps for she prefered an adventure. She found her room and noticed stuff already in there. she had wondered who her roommate was going to be. She quickly unpacked her sack of clothes and put her iPod on the desk until she found where to put her clothes. She hung all of her shirts up and threw her jeans, shorts, and skirts into a dresser. She hoped that the other girl did not mind a stack of books on the end table, but Layla had tons of books. Layla looked out the window at the grounds and saw some people outside. She grabbed her iPod and the book from earlier. She headed out the room and outside. She found another oak tree and began to climb it. She reached a low branch that was sturdy enough to hold her, so she sat down and began to read her book while listening to Aeroplane by red Hot Chili Peppers. Blair, her teddy bear was in the bag on her back; he never left her person. ((Out of Candles: I was not expecting to be gone for so long, my apologies.)) Darl'n if you wake up tomorrow And everything seems different If I only exists as a name On your telephone screen Well hey listen
Cover your eyes It can't hurt forever Soon I wont ever cross your mind Cover your eyes It don't see me going There's no way of knowing When it's time to cry Cover your eyes

Nurse Ratchet was outside cleaning the remains of the man named Hastern. She looked to the other nurses and just shook her head. She was in a vile mood today and it was clear on her face. She did not feel like cleaning up a dead person or half dead person. She just wanted to sit at the lousy desk and do paperwork or at least administer shots to some of the screaming patients. Earlier she had to administer sedatives twice to one girl. At the rate that the girl was getting sedatives she might not ever wake up one day from all the medication. Nurse Ratchet was not even bother by the thought. She had stopped caring after the last time she was hurt. After the nurses said they would take over, she went inside and began to write up a report for the accident. She was in no mood. She heard the radio on and quickly turned it off. This would be punishment for everyone since she was ticked off.
The sky ripped open and the shadows bled the moon blew out and the stars burned red....
Poison was scouting the forrest that was on the Nyte clan's side. She stayed out of the sun for it aggravated her eyes and made her irratable. She came across Vezerow, who was meditatong. She did not disturb him for she knew the price of that. She walked on and spread her wings. She was looking up now at the light. She could tell that dusk was approaching and her hunt could begin. She flew up into a nearby tree and waited patiently for the dusk to come. She began to think of her past. She was never originally a Nyte member.
Her mother was an angel and her father was a dragon of light. Something had went terribly wrong when Poison was born. She was not breathing. Her mother had wanted this baby girl with pale skin, feathered wings, and white hair so much that she did the unforgiven; her mother made a promise to a demon of the Nyte clan. She had said she would do anything for her baby girl to live. Well the demon coaxed the mother into agreeing to three things. the mother listened to the three things which later she would regret. The first was that the mother would leave her husband for the demon, which at this point the mother was willing to do anything, so she agreed. The second was to be with the demon every night for an entire year, and finally the third was to give the girl to him when he wanted her. the mother could not agree to the third one. She could not give up her baby to a monster. She called the deal off. the demon became enragged with the mother and stole the dead child. He looked ta the mother when she came to claim the child and said to her that if she wanted the baby she would have to pay a price. The mother lost hope and nodded her head. The demon breathed life into the baby, but something happened while the breath went through her. Her pale skin changed to purple and red marking showed up all over the body. Pointed ears sprouted as well as grotesque wings. The mother feared her baby now. She screamed and ran off. poison was now the demon's daughter. He raised her as his own and gave her the name Poison. He told her this story when he was on his death bed. Poison shook the story away. She waited silently for dusk.
...the song of madness madly crying to her.
Lamia now ventured the night looking more beautiful than ever from all of her victims. She had looked in a mirror and saw not the beauty, but the horridness of her demonic self. She gasped and threw a rock at the mirror shattering glass pieces everywhere. She walked away and decided to go back to her home. She went to see Lucifer, the king of Pride himself. She was his servant as well as Asmodeus's servant. She had been in debt to them for many reasons. She walked up to Lucifer. "Lucifer, am I not beautiful enough for you?" SHe asked in a wretched high pitched voice. Lucifer laughed for he thought he was the best and no lowly god lover would be his. He walked away from her as she shouted. "Look at me. How many more souls must I kill to please you with beauty and charm. I do everything for you, but you do not look at me or speak." Her voice had a vitrolic nitch to it. She turned and walked to Asmodeus, whom she found was easier to please since he was the king of lust. "Asmodeus." She called out with a seductive tone. Asmodeus came out of his chamber to see Lamia lookinh more beautiful than ever. He walked up to her touching her pale arm with human skin. Lamia laughed for she knew that she had at least one lover, but he truely did not love her, he lusted. She beckoned to him to take her, but he had another waiting upon him. He had conned a mortal woman into his deeds and she awaited his return. He apologized for having to leave and told Lamia to wait, but Lamia was stubborn, and would not wait. She left and let her beauty go away in time. She walked through the nine levels of hell to see all the tormented souls. It made her feel like she belonged with them at times. She could not understand why the gods made her this way, but she knew jealousy was key. She became prideful and she always thought she better than all until her beauty was taken. She has been trying to redeem herself for centuries, only to fail and wind up trying to gain Lucifer or Asmodeus's affection. She also wanted their energy to make herself beautiful. The children on the first Level of Hell known as Limbo left her blank and not affected, so she never preyed on them.
gnrgurl · Mon Dec 27, 2010 @ 03:39am · 0 Comments |