Wears lots of bracelets and necklaces, always wearing lots of dangly jewelry and rings and earrings. c:
She is constantly changing her hairstyles as well (braids, pigtails, ponytails). She wants to be a hairdresser and is in Beauty School.
Name: Aud

Species: Shapeshifter
Animal form:

[x] (by tea_daquiri )
Her moods change constantly. She is extremely over emotional, but for the most part stays content and happy.
She is very outgoing, to a point where she might just go home with someone right after meeting them. She falls in love extremely easily, and as a Pisces will not let go. She can convince herself that someone is in love with her too, and can be very clingy.
She is extremely easy going and simply optimistic.
Even with all of this, she is very good at listening to people and loves to give people advice. Especially on their love lives. She appears wise above her years and is actually incredibly intelligent.