* This really does encapsulate the run of the fifth doctor. O.o: http://www.tor.com/blogs/2010/12/shifting-into-fifth
* For the record, My first doctor managed to be both Tom Baker and Mr. Pertwee. By the time i was old enough to understand what was going on on in the show, we had Bakers run like movies on Saturday afternoons and the Pertwees ran one at a time weeknight evenings. I watched the Bakers in my living room with my dad in colour. The Pertwees I mostly snuck, my face pressed close to the old black and white TV, with the sound turned way down, so I could hear my parents coming up the stairs, and turn off and leg it to bed before they could catch me. Eventually, the Davidsons joined the Bakers in rotation. I loved all three of them, for different reasons. There was a several year gap between the last Davidson and PBS picking up the Colin Bakers, and by then, I had a job and was seldom home. I remember my dad's disappointment with him and watching a random episode here and there when I chanced to be home and not buried in homework. I despised Peri and CB is still my least favorite Doctor. I like my Companions competent, not whiny and CB was painfully abrasive, so together, it was just a bad combination. I don't blame CB for acting as written, though I do blame Peri's actress for her bizarre accent. When I finally got a chance to see the whole CB run as an adult a few years ago, it was nearly unwatchable thanks to the way they were written. I wasn't even aware there were a 7th and 8th doctor until the new series started and I read references to them. Oops. For the record, I've seen some Hartnell's and Traughtons. Hartnell seemed a bit dated and didn't really catch me, though I might feel differently if I saw more. Traughton was fascinating, the bits I saw, mischievous and deceptive made me hungry for more.
Judging from this, I think I'd have liked 7, as I like my tricksters dark: http://www.tor.com/blogs/2011/01/the-tea-is-getting-cold
When I say I'm an old school Whovian, I mean, I grew up watching them since I was too young to speak, the same way I grew up with Classic Trek. I literally can't remember a time I didn't know what a Tardis was. This doesn't stop me enjoying the new stuff, but it does explain where I'm coming from when I discuss the new stuff, if that makes sense.
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