Now, onto a happier note. A story for all of you (YES, one of my famous stories) so You all remember Eliza? no? you don't? Well, just to make sure you do she is the evil person whom tried to steal my best-est friend! WHOM I KINDA HATE!
here, below, is a pic i made of her using and avatar and

Yep, there she is. That evil b***h! she makes me so ANGRY! urrrrrg. Well, anyway, today, she tried it again! (you would think after 2 years she would stop trying) She told Brittany that I didn't care about her, and i was using her. I would just like to ask you, Eliza, WHAT WOULD I USE HER FOR? to get popular? She isn't popular? For money? I have more or = amount of money that she does. For lack of loneliness? I'M NOT LONELY! god that girl gives me a head ache.
So this is Me and Brittany when she was trying to convince her of me "using her"

So yeah, she didn't believe it. So, that was the boring story you stuck arround and read. Next, i will be coming out with a great little story on the people in my life. so, until then, chow for now.
The end biggrin ~MegMeg~