From: An anonymous benefactor
You're alone in your room, laying on your bed... The lights are dim and there's nothing to do.Your eyes flick at the clock. Its only 9. You sit up and stare out the open window. A beautiful, deep blue night covers the sky with dashes of bright stars. A gorgeous view. You think about how amazing it would to be to witness this moment with a love. You heave a sigh and your mind starts to wonder... Valentines day is coming up. The thought of no one asking you to be their valentine makes you sigh once more...
A few minutes later, the wind picks up. Your silky curtains are blowing dramatically. The nipping wind brushes against your cheeks. A sudden chill goes down your spine. You pull the covers up and over you. How warm you feel now... The soft blankets cling to you as you start to relax...
Suddenly, you hear a foot step. A split second of fear hits you. You stay still, under the blankets. You begin to question how someone could be there. You're on the second level of the house. Curious, you sit up and pull the covers away...
A tall man is standing in front of your window. His pale skin shines under the moonlight. The mysterious man's charcoal hair flows in the wind while he holds onto his top hat. A black mask covers part of his face along with his bangs. A single black rose lays between his lips as he smirks...
You feel a bit panicked, but his sapphire eyes lure you in. They're beautiful yet mysterious. Somehow, you feel relaxed. It's like magic...
He walks over to you slowly. The man gets down on one knee and hands you the shimmering rose.
&Would you like to dance...?&
His voice is deep and soothing...
You stand up carefully and walk over to him. You're a bit self-conscious as you're in pajamas, but this a chance... You reply with yes and can't help but smile a bit.
You blink, and now you're in a large room. Black, glassy tiles lay below your feet while white victorian wallpaper covers the wall. By the corner of the room is a white grand piano. White candles burn from the wall. This place is like a castle...
Soon, you hear piano music. A man in black is playing beautiful music. You look down at yourself and see a beautiful white gown. Many layers come out from the dress with a few frills on the ends. White gloves go up to your elbow.
&You're beautiful.&
The man compliments you as you turn around in surprise to see him. He holds his hand out for you and you two begin to dance for hours...
It feels all like a dream. The way you two would gaze into each others eyes and smile... It was like heaven. After a few hours, he tells you he must go. You frown a bit, but he tells you he'll be back again one day...
He grabs your hand and kisses it slowly. He tells you goodbye and everything turns to white...
You wake up the next day in your bed with a gift in your hands. A small note says &From the Sapphire Magician&...
From: An anonymous benefactor

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Snow is falling,
Just like I've fallen for you.
-The Little Dove
Good day, my dear. You look positively stunning today. I'm terribly envious of your gorgeous gown. Please enjoy this darling hairpin in honour of this time of flowers and romance.
Wishing you the happiest of Valentine's,
The Victorian Lady
Wishing you the happiest of Valentine's,
The Victorian Lady
Your lips,
your face,
your hands,
your waist,
I'd love to hold you, ribbons laced~ Let my grip you nice and tight, let me hold you through the night~ From my love you cannot escape, I long to see your body quake~ I lick my lips and ready for attack, won't you dear please love me back~?
your face,
your hands,
your waist,
I'd love to hold you, ribbons laced~ Let my grip you nice and tight, let me hold you through the night~ From my love you cannot escape, I long to see your body quake~ I lick my lips and ready for attack, won't you dear please love me back~?

DON'T LET CARL DO IT! Don't Worry. Anti-Carl still loves you. Even though Carl ate everything I own. I wanted to give you something. I'm sorry. All I have left to my name is a box of lame hairpins. I hope you don't mind receiving one. :/

heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
^Not really anon but it had to be saved. <3 ^

How faraway you are from me,
and yet so near and dear.
And that is why it troubles me,
that you don't know I am here.
~The Estranged Professor
and yet so near and dear.
And that is why it troubles me,
that you don't know I am here.
~The Estranged Professor
You dont know why but you feel a sharp pain in your side. And as you turn to look at the spot in pain a mans hands close over your eyes and wrap around your wast. You want to scream but are too frightened to. Quickly as though on cue he places his cold lips to you and when he pulls away he says. “Im just a thorn on another pretty flower” and then is gone leaving just that. A thorn in your side as a reminder of his presence.

My darling, my sweet, my love,
Please agree to be mine! I must confess that as each minute passes I find myself missing you more and more, wishing to hold you close and see your smile. So please agree to take my heart and hold it close to your own, knowing that I am forever with you.
Please agree to be mine! I must confess that as each minute passes I find myself missing you more and more, wishing to hold you close and see your smile. So please agree to take my heart and hold it close to your own, knowing that I am forever with you.

Like an egg thief, you stole my heart
All of Ripto's Rhynocs couldn't keep us apart!
Sheila calls me crazy, and Hunter tells me "No!"
But my heart is on a Speedway, it will not slow
You're my special talisman
When I see you, I can't help my dragon grin
So, say you'll love this charming reptile who never snores;
And we'll head off to a romantic vacation at Dragon Shores!
Plus a number of unsigned message-less Valentines and one rather questionable one. redface