Title/Alias: Lord(3rd of 5th rank) Alex
Name: Saiko Tian Rellik
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire(human)
Height: 5'11(anda1/2)"
Weight: 142
Age: 64(looks about 22, bit at 19)
Birthdate: December 5th (sire date November 11th)
Birthplace: U.S.A California(Sired in the Kanto region of Japan)
Lives in: Japan
Occupation: Unemployed, (Occasional assassinations since it's 'Easy'.)
Class: Sorcerer(DnD related-type)
Relationship Status: Single
Appearance: Temp image till i can get avi art done for this guy.
Affiliation: Jurosai(Second biggest vampire society in japan)
Reason for Affiliation: Forced in, but grew to like it. They're not ruthless or cowardly. The 'Perfect' Vampire kingdom.
Brief Background:
Fighting Style: Prefers to destroy(normally silently) from afar. DIslikes close combat, and most moves in close combat are intended to move him away from the said fight(so he can finish it from farther away)
Weapons: A small focus(channels magic energies) and small assortment of kukri's hidden about his body in many places.
Special Abilities: Enchantment, Illusion, Conjuration and Evocation(cold) based magics. 'Natural' vampire abilities, along with two special to him(although, almost any vampire can manifest these as well): One that makes him able to phase bullets(and other not-so-nice projectiles) through him and the other which allows him short range teleports, which he calls 'Flicking'(very common)