Name : Leni O'Toole
Gender : Female
Age : 16
Race : Human

Weapons/Abilities : Twin 50cal. Baby Eagles, if needed she will use Remington Model 70 308cal. Sniper Rifle. All silver nitrate bullets. Also has steel stakes hooked around her right thigh.
Bio : Born into a world where Vampires exist, Leni was raised to fight, hunt, and take down any vampire she laid her eyes on. Her parents, experienced vampire hunters, passed down all the tricks and tools she needed to hunt. Her parents allowed her to join their crew of hunters on her 14th birthday, known as The Blood Pack. Now that two years have passed her parents have been killed and she has been promoted to the right hand of the lead hunter, Raymond. She is close to the left hand hunter Katrina, and also her best friend Jeren, a bullet maker for the crew. Collin, an older hunter, now retired, has been training her how to make serum to cure vampire bites in the first half hour of being bitten.
Personality : Harsh when fighting, but loving when around family and friends.
Likes : Killing vampires (aka nibbleheads, suckheads, parasites).
Dislikes : Vampires.