Name: Cairo N. ( Cai, "The voiceless banshee" "Eygption princesses of death" wink
age: 17 (the eqivilence to 7 or 8 years old in the divided world)
species: Banshee, but for some reason she has ablitys beyand her species.

Backround: She clams to have killed her parents, but in truth, they died by looking into there daughters eyes, which inturn drove them mad, and they killed them selves. Cairo calms alot about her history, but its unsure if any of it is real, she has no proof of it, but no one can say it never happened. The one thing people know in true, is that in her 17 years, shes commited more crimes then most agenst the hell country. With her crime record, she cought kuthulas eye, and once kuthula came free, she quickly grabed hold of cairo and took her under her wing. Since, cairo has been like a daughter or a younger sister to kuthula.
Ablitys: though she has no voice, shes extremly skilled, shes in top physical condition, and uses a powerful ball and chain mace to destroy all her foes. She has a strange power to drive people mad, mad enough to kill the self, by staring into her eyes for to long.
weakness: Shes still young, so she can be naive at times, shes also very frail. A part of her voice box is also missing, makeing her unable to scream or laughe, she can only gigle, and speak in a low quite voice.
"Circus"- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H8q5JeZvUE&feature=related
Name: Charlotte M. Heilig III ( Lotte, "The true queen of cold" "The girl who froze time" )
age: 3,874
Species: A special breed of angel, rumors say there created with the blessing of the true god of cold.

Backround: Charlotte, is the 3erd daughter of the heilig family, and one of the only true-blood heilig. When charlotte was born, unlike her mother, and her grandmother who look exsactly alike, charlotte for some reason had one red and black eye, but she was still given the name charlotte. Since she had one red and black eye, people where always be careful of her. One day she was attacked by royal gaurds on her way home, valcuri her self order her eye be stiched shut, and then have a patch bulted over it. Since then, shes became a strong warhero, thinking doing so would repay what she thought was a sin. When kuthula broke free, and allison woke up, she didnt think much of it, untill her mother, and grandmother, were hung accused of assiting the most wanted crimnal in the country. Charlotte knew it was wrong, so she ended up completly turning on her country, she killed the army she once led to victory, killed every gaurd she saw, and stole notes and seacrt information form the royal army. Insted of takeing revange on kuthula and allison, she sobed and begged them to let her join in, and vowed to take revange on valcuri for makeing her think loseing her eye for a hypicridical corrupted queen.
Ablitys: She has the heilig power of complet control of cold, all other atemps of bending it become completly invaled in her preasents, with the extrem minipulation of cold, she can litrally freeze time solide, as well as create extremly real weapons out of ice, permafrost, or even cold steal.
Weakness: Although shes has an unstopable control of cold, fire and heat put extrem dampers on her powers, things that create massive amouts of fire are only slown down by her trick of freezing time, Although this is true, it possble for her to freeze them at night, when the sun cannot warm them.
Theme: "Sleepless" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?
"Unknown Soldger"- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibvGe7IhBe0&feature=related
Other: Allison actually loves charlotte like a sister, the fact she looks like her mother and grandmother makes allison very comferted. Although she rules cold, she'll only drink hot tea, and is very picky about it. All of her clocks read "2-13" on prepose.
Name: Valcuri.
Age: clames to be 80 thousand, but in truth is as old as the human race.
Species: Goddess of light and all things "Good"

Backround: Created from the consept of war among humans, shes was made to represnt heaven. Along with her creation, Viola, queen of darkness was created, since there creation, they've been at war, pledging to kill eachother, someday claming a winner. Becuase of there constent war, the other gods banned them to a world between humans and gods, forever traped in war.
Ablitys: being a good goddess, she controls light, blessings, and in some cases luck. A hidden power she uses is her ablity to play peoples faith, useing this trick, she gets away with crual, horrble things, and tricks people into thinking she is all that is right and perfect.
Theme -looking for one!-
Other: dispite her clames, shes actually worse then viola. her name, Valcuri, comes from a combanation of the myth thats she in the german god, and the myth that a valcuri is the most powerful mage.
Name: Viola.
Age: clames to be 80 thousand years, but truely is as old as mankind its self.
Race: The goddess of all things Dark and Evil.

Backround: Created along with valcuri, shes ment to represent all that is evil and bad, shes at constent war with valcuri since there creation. Banned at to the world between the humans and the gods, shes been locked in war with each other, although, she was the first to create alturnet life.
Ablitys: Complet control over darkness, misfortune, and sometimes even natural disasters. Like valcuri, she has a hidden power, she can control the paranoia in people, makeing her a feared, but amazing leader.
Theme: -still looking!-
Other: Her name, Viola, comes from the name of a sucubus queen in an old legend. Viola, beleive it or not, is nicer then valcuri. Viola, unlike valcuri, changes outfits in almost every chapter.
( xwx next up: Ebony, ariel, leo, death master and purf, who ever elts~ right now this one in to long!)