Have you ever thought, I mean really thought about your home? What makes is it that makes it special? confused
A. the home
B. the people in the home
C. all of the above
I've been asking that question a lot lately confused , and I have finnally found my answer.
D. none of the above neutral
That answer that only applies to certain people; you know, the kind of people who would rather sit in the drive way an extra 5 minutes, who wanna yell "keep driving" past their stop on a bus, who would rather share their best friends couch with a cat than have to put up with the people they don't wanna live with (but have to).
That would be my category. neutral
When I was younger I would some times have to move to a lot of places (some were better than others), but my idea of a home never changed.
My idea was a warm happy place where you could go at the end of the day, relax, feel happy, and have a good time with the people that you love the most. The kinda place where you feel warm and fuzzy, and just thinking about it makes you smile. biggrin
It's been years since I felt that way. I used to feel that way, but back then life was simpler rolleyes . All I needed was a place to sleep and the person I loved the most, and I couldn't have been happier 4laugh . But that happiness never lasted long.
stare One thing or another would go wrong and I'd always wind up back at the same place.
A place where all you here is yelling, where your always get insulted for being yourself, and where hope is about all you have to go on. sad
Unfortunately I'm still stuck here, but not for long. Now I have options, so that hope is still keeping me going wink . That and the hope one day I can look the people that I live with streight in the eye and say "After living with you two I'll be ready for the neigbors from hell" scream . Man, I cannot wait for that day. rofl
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