*Age roughly 21-22
*About 5'5
*weighs around 10 and a half stone
*Brown hair just past her shoulders, thick and often fizzy but straightens it every so often.
*Green eyes, right eye is lazy and the eye brow falls a little so her face isn't quite symmetrical but nothing too noticable
*Ears are big but not huge
*Not too fashionable likes to wear T-shirt, jeans, shirt dresses with leggings loves to wear snug boots and sneakers. When she dresses up to go to an event or party she likes to wear dresses and heals or skinny jeans and a floaty top.
*Enjoys wearing make up but not all the time.
*Really messy hates tidying up but eventually get round to it.
*Play fights really rough with her boyfriend, likes to slap him upside the head but when she gets hurt whimpers a little and calls it truce.
*Enjoys drawing, playing video games and playing with her cats.
*Doesn't like being home alone, hates the paranormal and spiders.
*Has no close friends, a lot of her friendships seem to fail
*Very quiet around strangers, people she doesn't know well.
*Isn't vain but doesn't think she is ugly
>Quick Sketch
(feel free to ask me questions about her)