It's name is Josh octoblu. Josh is very silent and still. I found him and also it's "siblings" at The Cave when I was looking for eggs. It loves eating little birds and drinking droplets of water from the leaves of plants. Josh was my very first egg, so that means I gave him much love and attention than his siblings. I call these siblings " The Jocori Bloorn " because that's what they suggested to me when they were only hatchlings.
Here is another sibling:

Coco Sangoor is the second egg I've got and it was just an accidental click.
Coco has brighter scales than Josh. It has a more cheerful personality than it's relative sibling. Josh has more clouds swirling around him and fog around him when he was an egg and a hatchling while Coco has less fog and clouds.
The first two siblings are Gray Dragons
Here is another sibling:

La Rienne is a Skywing Dragon. Her father is a Silver Dragon while her mother is a Skywing Dragon like her. She is their only baby and she is proud of that. She's also a relative of the Frilled Dragons, the Stone Dragons, Red Dragons, Black Dragons, While Dragons, Black Dragons, Green Dragons and Dark Green Dragons. Most of her ancestors and relatives are silver dragons and Skywings.
The last and Final sibling of the Jocori Bloorn: Ramiri Monch

Currently unnamed
Current Updates:
They all became adults... Now Josh and La Rienne Breeded and they had an egg. But sadly, It was another gray dragon just like Josh and he said that he doesn't like to have another gray dragon within the family. So that's why He gave the Egg to Coco and together they leave the warmth of my home and went on with their lives in the wild.