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Story Ideas and Profiles
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╔══════════════ Ⅰ :: T H E - C H A R A C T E R ══════════════╗

(picture here)

:: (character name) ::


-----:: F U L L - N A M E |
---------- (Your character's full name)

-----:: A L I A S E S |
---------- (Any nicknames or titles other characters give you. If you're not actually going to be called those names, don't put them here.)

-----:: A G E |
---------- (Your character's age)

-----:: G E N D E R |
---------- (Male or female. For Abeo, it is whatever gender they have taken the appearance of. If they switched genders at some point, be sure to list that in the biography.)

-----:: R A C E |
---------- (For now choose one of the following: Do'Vra, Beastling, Abeo, Nagiri, Zhenri, or Deathwalker.

Do'Vra - Tell which kingdom, as each of the kingdoms' Do'Vra have different features (i.e. Nyranzoran Do'Vra or Terraganon Do'Vra).
Beastlings - List if they are Purebreed or Mixbreed. If Purebreed only one tribe is needed. If Mixbreed, list the most prominent (i.e. Purebreed Rij Beastling or Mixbreed Derth/Jinthor Beastling).

-----:: B I R T H D A T E |
---------- (Your character's birthdate. There are thirty-five (35) days in a month, and the months are as follows:

Fusan (1st-17th)

Fusan (18th-35th)

Pim’tel (1st-17th)

Pim'tel (18th-35th)

The date is written: 31st Jima or 31st of Jima.

-----:: E L E M E N T |
---------- (Pick one: Fireborn, Waterborn, Windborn, Earthborn, Lavaborn, Steamborn, Lightningborn, Iceborn, Dustborn, or Mudborn. Spiritborn is only available to a select few. The element chosen MUST be reflected in the personality. See (thread name) for details.)


Ⅱ :: T H E - P E R S O N A L I T Y ══════════════╗

-----:: Q U I C K - L I S T |
---------- (chose the six most prominent traits of your character's personality. Remember that it must reflect the character's birth element. See (thread name) for details. You may choose more than six traits, but you must have at least six.)


----- (The detailed description of your character's personality. Reflect on each of the above traits, and how these traits affect their lives. There is no limit to length, but the description must cover at least the traits you have listed. Preferably, use complete sentences.)



-----:: W E A K N E S S E S |
---------- (list at least three weaknesses. No one is invincible. Are they better with yuunin or physical combat? Can they use yuunin at all? Do they have and disabilities or injuries that keep them from fighting properly? Are they fast but not particularly strong? Etc.)

-----:: S T R E N G T H S |
---------- (Same as with weaknesses, but you may have no more than two more strengths than weaknesses, and if there are more, there had better be an explanation. The opposites of what are listed in the the weaknesses is more than likely a strength.)



-----:: S E C R E T S |
---------- (The is optional, but can be updated at any time as your character learns things they shouldn't tell others. Maybe they have secrets from their past. This can be personal secrets, or anything having to do with other characters, such as having a crush on someone to having killed someone without anyone knowing.)

-----:: R E G R E T S |
---------- (Also optional, many characters regret things that they have done in the past, such as killing or betraying someone. A lot of these are often out of self-pity, but a realistic character feels self-pity.)

-----:: F E A R S |
---------- (Unless someone has no soul, everyone fears something. You must come up with at least three fears, but they may not be fears such as death, loneliness, or anything of the like. This is because all people naturally fear these things. If you do decide to list them, you must still come up with at least three more.)

-----:: L I K E S |
---------- (Optional, but anything and everything your character likes or loves. This can be food, company, certain items, times of the day or year, etc. These give your character far more personality.)

-----:: D I S L I K E S |
---------- (Also optional, just like the 'likes' above, these are anything your character dislikes or is grossed out by. Likely the things they fear are listed here too.)



-----:: M O T T O |
---------- (Optional. What is the phrase your character lives by? If they are a knight, this might be the code of honor, or their swear of servitude to their king. If someone seeks revenge, the motto might reflect that.)

-----:: H A B I T S |
---------- (Optional. Everyone has strange quirks or behaviors that are often noticeable to others. These would be listed here.)

-----:: H O B B I E S |
---------- (Optional. Similar to 'likes', this lists things your character does regularly, or enjoys doing, such as drawing, reading, smithing, shopping, or even bartering or pickpocketing.)


Ⅲ :: T H E - L O O K S ══════════════╗

--- (This first bit is optional, but here would be placed an overview of your character's appearance before going into description about them. You could even put another picture here if you wanted.)

----- B U I L D |
--- (This is your character physical stature. How tall are they? How much do they weigh? Do they have broad shoulders and narrow hips, or very muscular arms? Large hands? Are they misproportionate in some way? If they're adolescent, perhaps they have a very lanky build, with long arms and legs that the body hasn't quite caught up with. Are they very skinny or overweight or big boned?

REQUIRES: Height, weight, and general build.)

----- H A I R |
--- (What color is their hair? How long is it? Is it curly, straight, or wavy? How does it feel? Is it soft and feathery or coarse and unmanagable? What do they do to take care of it? How is it normally styled? Is it their natural hair color?

REQUIRES: Color, length, texture, and style.)

----- C O M P L E X I O N |
--- (This describes your character's skin and their face, excluding the eyes. If you were to take away your character's eyes, hair, and clothing, would there be any distinguishing marks or features that would tell them apart? What tone is their skin? Are the ghost white or near black? Does their tan result from years in the sun or is it natural? If the former, do they have tan lines because of it? Do they have any prominant birth marks? What about racial markings or scars?

As for the face, is it symmetrical or asymmetrical? Normally, a person face is not perfectly symmetrical, but the closer it is, typically the more attractive they are. How big is their nose? How full the lips? What color are the lips? If they're younger, perhaps they still have a very round face instead of sharper features of an adult? How thick is the brow? Are the ears set evenly between the eyes and nose, or are they higher or lower?

REQUIRES: Skin tone, birth/racial marks and scars (if applicable), general facial features.)

----- E Y E S |

----- C L O T H E S |

----- V O I C E |
-- (optional)


Ⅳ :: T H E - P A S T ══════════════╗

----- P R O L O G U E |

----- B I R T H |

----- C H I L D H O O D |

----- T E E N |

----- A D U L T |



Ⅴ :: T H E - P R E S E N T ══════════════╗

-----:: C U R R E N T - R E S I D E N C E |

-----:: C L A S S |

-----:: R A N K |

-----:: P R E S T I G E |

-----:: P R I M A R Y - W E A P O N |

-----:: S E C O N D A R Y- W E A P O N |

-----:: A R M O R |

-----:: O C C U P A T I O N |

-----:: S P I R I T U A L - B E L I E F S |
---------- (optional)

-----:: L A N G U A G E S - K N O W N |
---------- (optional)

-----:: G O A L S |
---------- (optional)


(last section optional)
VI :: T H E - R E L A T I O N S H I P S ══════════════╗

-----:: S P E C I A L - P O S S E S S I O N S |

-----:: F A M I L Y |

-----:: F R I E N D S |

-----:: L O V E R |


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