Viewable to Friends Only because I rambled xP Not necessary for the public and friends to read the stuff not about the new items, especially if it'll cause any arguments for who knows what o _ o. -holds up a sign- "Peace zone. No yelling in the mind and out loud. I kindly thank you for your much appreciated cooperation." If you think you'll get annoyed, just don't read it. Really simple. Read up to the break, then go about your day ~ o v o I kept typing so I don't think it's that good of an entry.
EDIT: Changed from Private to Public on May 19th, 2012. It was Private because I knew it can cause bad things to happen. Please make sure to read on before you speak and to think before and after you read. Don't be quick to anger. I am not here to poke at people. I'm commenting on something I find interesting. If you don't my doing so, thank you ever so much for your time. For those who will find displeasure in such an entry, please take your leave. I would like unnecessary drama and hurtful feelings for everyone here.
Tavern ; u ;
Fairy Tail 8'D
Epic Journey even has an intimidating dragon!
Waaa. What a cosplay it would make. Hm, hm? > u>
Heehee C:
I absolutely love its Quiet Village sooooo much. Beautiful balcony! ❤
It almost looks like the entrance to the garden in "The Girl Who Waited" (Doctor Who), but the balcony fits me with or without the Doctor Who reminder/possible resemblance xD.
The Scenic Quest field reminds me of the field in The Time Traveler's Wife o ^ e;; ... Almost makes me wanna cry e u e;;
Both are so beautiful =)
I had to have them 4laugh
Ohhh my god. Been on a Fairy Tail hiatus and I saw someone's status about a new opening and I was like, "I'm so out of it," with a blank look, recently realizing it!
Sad. I wanna watch it now. But I can't. Grrr.
One Piece sub isn't bad, but I'd rather not listen to it lol;;. I've been in dub mode for it for so long that hearing One Piece in Jap and reading the subs don't go together =(
Like, it doesn't look like I'm watching the same thing. It's like if it were in French and I wasn't watching the subtitles, only listening. All bizarro~ .... Okay, not a word, but whatever = v = d.
It felt like that when I suddenly watched a subbed episode when a dubbed couldn't be found.
I normally watch sub, unless I originally watched something in English (excludes FMA), so it's not like .. um. It's not like I don't like the sub ......
(The first series, FMA, I originally watched in English when it was on TV, but my friend told me to watch Brotherhood, which I had no idea of until Summer 2010, in sub and I did; I like both but I love subbed. Strangely, I don't remember Vic's voice at all when I rewatched the anime. I don't want to watch the dub for FMA because I won't hear properly = =. And once I get used to it every time, Ed's masculine voice, female actor, actually sounds rather attractive. And I love Envy's voice - for some reason, I can't take Luffy's (Jap) voice seriously because it reminded me too much of Envy. I don't even know if they're the same VA's 8'D;;. I generally don't watch an entire anime at all if one character reminds me of someone else. This is my first encounter with this though c: Lucky right? =P )
It's the one anime where Jap doesn't fit in my brain xD;;;. Normally, I watch something and the voice is what the character sounds like, yeah? And I just read the subs and the Jap tone of voice (high, low, masculine, etc), though not speaking English, is their voice - as if they are speaking English (from my reading sub). If that makes sense.
But then, when I saw a subbed One Piece, I couldn't register it in my head o o e;;;.
Sure, I watched and read it, but the voice--
Ohhhh .......
I get it ; __ ;
I mean, the voices do fit, once you get too used to it, right? But I don't want to get used to it. LOL, I like the dub xD;. Please don't hurt me, sub lovers Dx So many arguments over dub and sub for One Piece AND over them in general for all Japanese animated series! I'm non-confrontational so I'd like to have no fights o x o
Mog, uh ;A;
Sooooo~ o3o;;;;.
Yeah, yeah, I'm not gonna lie. I can watch sub. I actually wanted to, at first, but then I thought about it. I'd rather wait. On to the waiting list One Piece goes! In the meantime, once again lol, I can watch Bleach.
In 2011 (new school year), a friend of mine told me that Bleach was messed up. Completely! Plot makey no sense, episodes everywhere, so many episodes, that kind of thing. I think that's the "doesn't match the manga" kind of nonsense.
So I asked my other friend and she said it's not messed up if you only watch the anime.
What I was looking for was if I watched it, would it make sense? Like no missing parts, no random plot or whatever? Just normal if you watch the anime, excluding any manga and etc. Did that make sense?
The reason I chose not to watch it ever again was because my friend told me it was messed up. Like if one went off on tangents and kept going.
I just wanted to watch some Bleach cause of the action and drama and story ... I don't notice that the story I would watch (anime only) actually wouldn't be the right story! (manga) But o.o I don't mind. I just wanted to watch = u=
I never did finish it, and I thought it had gotten messed up as one kept watching &- what I thought when my friend told me it was messed up
But my other friend told me if I watched the anime, only and all of it, it would make sense.
Ahhh, I'm rambling, sorry! I do this a lot & &;;. Don't know what I'm saying and try to figure it out while I'm still talking and people see my progress;;;.
SO - that is why I'm watching Bleach now! 8D
I have exams = o = .... so I can't watch it now. Boo.
Lol. c:
"It's the one anime where Jap doesn't fit in my brain xD;;;."
... Actually, this happens all the time with both Japanese and English.
Depending on which one watches first, over time, it'll take, well, time to adjust to other version. e o &
Sometimes-- Well, usual times, usually, it's weeeiiird. Different voices. Not different language. It sometimes doesn't fit the character, honestly, so then one language is definitely the "right" version to watch. Do you not admit that? &8O
I know that enjoying both versions is the way to truly love a show, I know, but I always know which is a better fit - and I'm aware of the version people watch as a kid, let's say.
One Piece's rap may be bad and I agree, the lyrics are poor - but I love the catchiness. I don't care what the lyrics are. I never did.
Tokyo Mew Mew's rhyme may be bad as well, but I loved it. "Mew Mew Power, Mew Mew your face," It was more effective than the bland statement of "For the future of the Earth, we are at your service" cause it was fun and catchy. BUT the statement is also more effective than the silly meaningless rap too in terms of ... well, meaningful content. Cause 4kids is for kids. KIDS. No pre-teens. I mean, below that! Has to be all safe~
Tokyo Mew Mew's Japanese opening is beautiful &3.
Mew Mew Power's opening is, uh, I have to admit, great if you don't pay attention 3nodding It's like a song on the radio you hear. Nothing really said in the song, just the chorus repeated mostly - but no one minds and listens to it anyway, and has fun listening to the tune! And that's what I mean for the Mew Mew Power's English 4Kids Opening. Nothing there, if you hear it, but it's very nice at the same time. "Team up", aw C: And the falling is love is nice x//D;;;.
The beginning (and overall) of MMP's opening is sooooo relaxing. ;A:
That's why I loved it. The Teaming Up is cheerful c: Nonchalant, harmless. Falling in love was harmless as well. I normally don't pay attention to any openings or endings but I kind of started to. I'm still new, but if I see one, I'll like it. I changed so SO MANY PEOPLE pay attention to the OP and ED that it was strange and annoying = =. I focus on the content D8 What's wrong with the content?! Dx
When I first watched anime, never paid a single attention to the openings and endings and as I grew up, everyone online is like "Wooow" and such & A &;;;;;. I really felt like I wasn't doing something right. T ^ ,=
Don't speak about OPs and EDs with me. I'll feel awkward. gonk
It doesn't make sense to me > >;;;. Hmp, but I do get it. It's just like another song one hears, like any other existing song, except it's featured as an opening or ending. Go ahead and tell me about it! A friend of mine already had C: Keep in mind that I usually focus on the anime, not a song. Okay? <=)
Continuing with sub and dub preference: It's not like I don't understand both sides so don't hurt me.
4kids is only doing their job. I wouldn't let my 9 year old cousins or siblings watch some action adventure series with blood and fighting in it if my family members were at that age.
I always thought it'd scar them or whatever term I mean, but don't know how to say it. They're not in danger in reality but being exposed to certain images may not be a wise idea. They may think of it in the wrong way - we have no way of knowing this and it's always smart to be safe than sorry.
I mean, I love the shojo I watch but I understand it's entertainment. I'm old enough to know that. The most I do is excitedly talk about some shojo, but who knows what kids would do. Imagine the worst thing and you'll get my previous statement of "who knows..." xD Sorry. Fear does that to my mind. Anyway, they have a lot of energy, imagination and desire. Things can go badly fast if you let them. They can even become bad people if you raise them the wrong way. Even the slightest thing can make the future negative!
Neh, I don't know. When I watched Inu-Yasha when it was on the tele and before its hiatus, I understood what was going on and stuff, but if a younger family member suddenly wanted to join in, and watch this fight, ..... what will happen? And what does that say about me if I let the person?
No one can change someone's thinking; one can only change their own. And I can prevent anything bad from happening, should I not?
I mean, sure, the kid may not think anything of it, may think it's just "so cool" and watch and have fun watching, pretty much the same thing I do with any show or movie, but ...... I don't know. I can't tell what's the "so bad" thing but I can feel there's something bad existing. I have no idea what it is though. Er o - e. Sucks =(.
Isn't it basic? Like not being allowed to watch something (ie: PG-13) when you're not at the right age?
Children should be watching happy shows (Why not? D8 ) because that's what they would do anyway. As one grow up, fine, one goes ahead of watch other things, but it's okay as long as one is a good person, knows right from wrong, and is mentally and emotionally healthy. Yes, physically too, no wounds, for goodness's sake &&;;.
What kind of child watches well, horror and stuff? I'm not saying that to provoke anyone; I'm saying it's not the normal occurrence. If I wanted to frighten my child, I'd purposely grab all the resources and show them when they're not even at the right time to show them something, like people horribly dying in a sad fight. Uh-huuuuh. Conscious bad parenting will be nonexistent. Shameee! (Somewhat Meaning: Shame on some people)
I understand the necessity of showing someone early on so they're aware of the information and/or the world (ie: "that" = info, cruelty/death = world)
But there's a time and place. And there's a reason the words 'time and place' exist!
Mog, why am I talking about this?
-rubs temples- I shouldn't be talking about this.
ANYHOW, I loved 4kids as a kid cause, well, it was on TV - yay. I never had to use a computer to watch anything xD. I didn't even have a computer ; u; We had a home computer which everyone used if they wanted to and/or needed to.
But I really do see why 4kids slashes everything. Don't be mistaken 3nodding
Oh, the meaningless content ~
One Piece dub is cool, but really, the lyrics mean so much of nothing xD
Yep, they take everything out so it's all kiddy whee
Adults/Teens all complain cause they're all past the whole "I understand how the world works" thing where they'll look at the 4Kids censoring and think 4kids hacked too much away. From your position, in your time frame, yes, it does look like it's too much when you consider how much experience you've had so far. (apart from nonsense taking stuff out like names and arcs: "Hey ... Who is that guy? Oh. Wrong name." and "I'm so confused. They messed the plot and my brain." wink
"Pfht, blood is not there? I can handle that. Why isn't it there?!"
Yes, we all know you can handle it, but if blood is everywhere all the time - first, ew -pushes away- and two, that's very fun. & &
A story is what's fun, which is what every show has.
You can take whatever it is, but kids won't know anything. All they really want is a good Saturday show they always watch, yaaaaayyy whee , right? C:&
So they censor a bunch of junk. It shouldn't have anything to do with you, now does it? 4Kids is FOR KIDS. Therefore, the 4Kids version shouldn't exist to you if you're not going to watch it. Like any other anime that doesn't have a 4Kids counterpart, as one always have, watch it in Japanese with English Sub (or Funimation Dub)
It's simple.
-shakes head, sighs- People can get really worked over 4Kids. My, my.
Hatred doesn't need to be spread. Did you not know this? &8O
There's "feeling angry" and "being happy for them", but there's a third option to let one's anger go.
And there's always the choice to stop and calmly understand someone else's side.
If everyone fought, well, we'd have a pretty bad society.
We're only humans and sometimes, our emotions get the better of us.
Well, what can one do? Humans are humans. But we can be better humans.
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When I look into your eyes, it's like watching the night
[img:2583186295][/img:2583186295] [img:2583186295][/img:2583186295] [img:2583186295][/img:2583186295]
sky, or a beautiful sunrise. There's so much they hold.
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[img:2583186295][/img:2583186295] [img:2583186295][/img:2583186295] [img:2583186295][/img:2583186295]
sky, or a beautiful sunrise. There's so much they hold.
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