Alias- Sybil
Ship Name-
Age- 16
Race- Human
Gender- Female
Personality- Sybil is very quirky in many ways. She is kind of serious, but mysterious in the way that she doesn't let anyone get close to her.
Appearance Description- Red hair, kind of long, green eyes and pale ish skin. Slinder, and with a tattoo of a crescent moon on her neck just under her ear. And a larger tattoo that no one has seen on her back.
Ship Appearance Description-
Sybil was left alone by her mother at birth and then raised by her father. Her father was a drunk captain and cared little for her or anyone else for that matter. She was at the mercy of the men on the ship, and so she grew to have a deep hate for most men. She is a wonderful fighter and good at the art of surviving yet there is much more to be known about her.

Pic of ship-
Other: (Optional)
Likes-candy, the ocean, the sky, fighting people
Dislikes- Men, loud people, unnecessary things
Abilities- Good with a ship, sword, pick pocketing, and medical things
Weapons- Two small daggers that wave at the blade and a pistol
Secondary Trade- None
Pets/Familiars- None
Instruments- None