Below are a few questions that were asked of Soubi, the demonic ram prince of Hell, leader of a relatively large legion of demons and now crossdressing earthbound nobody.

'So, you're a demonic prince from Hell. Care to explain why you're on earth then?'
"That one is pretty simple. I caused some commotion with my antics down there and apparently it raised suspicion. Let's face it, I'm not that terrible. In fact.. I think some of my brethren down there would be embarrassed to call me kin.. let alone a high ranking prince and higher up. So they thought of a clever way to banish me without breaking my sweet little heart." Shifts in seat and smirks. "Looks like they knew that I knew what they were up to but I let it happen anyway. Do you know how boring it is in Hell sometimes? Oh, they sent me to earth to learn about the culture of humans. Take notes. Try and find ways to easily break into your minds so it would be easier for common demons to take hold of more vast numbers of you. So they can do their bidding with relative ease. You know.. that sort of thing." Shrugs.
'Okay, I see. So it was a sham way to get you out of there while still trying to benefit your species. So now that you're here, what do you do daily?'
Takes a puff of cigarette. "Well, you see in Hell there isn't a daily routine. Millennia pass by and it sort of doesn't matter. We don't sleep, we don't have days. It's eternity, you know? You don't really get days off from eternity. Us demons don't really need sleep so every day, week and month mesh together. When I first started coming to earth I realized that humans obviously have routines. In order to fit in I had to adapt to this. I know that it is generally frowned upon to stay up for seven weeks straight without sleep while constantly frequenting night clubs and those sorts of things.. so I've tried to not do that much. Just in case anyone is watching me and finds it suspicious." Licks lips. "Oh yeah! I need to eat too. I like your human food a lot. The variety amazes me. See, demons don't really eat. We usually just feed off of the souls down there. It's kind of annoying since we're feeding on the emotions that fill the souls. If you're in Hell then you're not tasting like… what are they called… oh, you're not tasting like candy or a cupcake. You taste like hate and sadness. It's a real heaviness. We end up feeling all of the emotions we feed off of. Luckily you humans have this thing called pizza. It's much better than those heavy lead feelings that come from damned souls. So my daily routine consists of remembering to eat and wandering the streets. Then going to sleep at some point and waking up to do it again."
'You enjoy wandering the cities then?'
Chuckles. "Of course! You humans live in giant cities like we do down in Hell. But these are much more entertaining. There are so many things to admire here. Buildings, places to eat, venders on the street, and the people. I like those things called malls too. And I love clothing! It's much more fun to have a real body to do things to and buy things for. In Hell we aren't really flesh and blood. It's more like us demons are black masses of smoke and consciousness. Being a human.. or at least pretending to be one is much more fun. A black fog can't really buy a nice skirt!"
'You're male but you buy clothing for women and girls. What is the reasoning for this?'
"They're very nice, you see. These handcrafted things are made with such care and are delicate. In Hell delicate things are weak. They're disposed of easily. There is nothing but harshness there. I like being able to see new things here. I think it would help if I explained a bit more on why I was banished first." Takes a drag off the cigarette. "I gained a legion and ranked high in Hell because a few hundred years ago to you humans, I managed to possess quite a sum of you. Possessing is a simple thing for a demon to do but it is very difficult to keep control of the host when you have a priest throwing water on the body and performing exorcisms. I had a lot of fun with those priests. They ask you the silliest questions! It's so easy to lie … I don't really understand how my brethren weren't so good at the art of possession. I held onto a lot of humans and brought them down to Hell once their bodies failed. So, because I had this relatively high skill of being able to get my job done, I was granted the ability to visit the earth in a human-type form."
Sits back in chair and rubs chin slightly. "This was quite a while before I was banished. I would be able to wander the earth as I pleased with all of my demon powers. Not many demons have the ability to come to the earth in any form other than an invisible force. And even THAT takes a lot of energy to do. There are many weak demons, you see. But anyway, I am relatively strong, so I was able to wander earth with ease. And quite recently I went to earth before I was banished and happened to meet someone at a concert I attended. He was quite interesting." Drags on cigarette and sighs. "Hmm, it is hard, you see. I have full potential power in Hell but after spending so many times wandering the earth my powers wain here. I do not know his name but I do know every detail of him crisply. The concert was interesting because many of the audience wore outfits that rivaled even the band's clothing. I guess you call it some sort of cosplay. I was in what you see here." Motions to his garb. "Give or take a few things. And he had a crown on. It was azure, like the deep parts of the ocean glistening in the sun. And he had an outfit almost like a knight but he was quite slim. Not bulky or anything like that. His skin was a milky cream but with only the slightest tan. And his eyes were piercing orange! It was quite a sight. His hair was dark, almost a deep blue, I'd say. And all I know about his name was that he told me to call him his King."
Takes a drag of the cigarette and lets out a laugh, shifting position slightly. "Well, of course I said yes when he tugged me to the door after the concert was over. He asked if I wanted to see his palace. You humans are so entertaining! His words were delicious to me! I guess you humans would compare it to a drug. He enjoyed that I was male and called me beautiful so many times. I never had such a thing happen to me --especially when the opposite party was completely in control of themselves. I was not manipulating him in any way, mainly because my abilities wain even worse when your moon goes through certain phases. Well anyway! After we committed some acts he was apparently tired. You humans tire so easily, I must say. But he was such a gentleman too! He brought me to my apartment and said he would stay with me." Smirks. "He got some of his energy back on the sofa and after that we went to sleep. Even though I don't very much get tired… I was a bit warm. I mean, I felt something deep inside of me and it was odd. And his body warmth made me very relaxed so I feel asleep. And the next day I woke up and he was not there. I don't know where he is now. But he liked me in my experimental skirts, looking like a girl. So that's why I wear them still. And I still look for him. Me doing these things gave my brethren demons a bit to gossip about though. They didn't like that one of their highest ranking princes was so into human culture as opposed to damming the entire human race. They also didn't like that I partook so heavily in interactions with humans. It was almost as if I was a threat to them for some reason.." Shrugs. "I don't know, it is too monotonous there. I am happy that they got rid of me. I let it happen and was fully aware of their plans. I actually welcomed it. And before you ask it," Raises brow. "yes, my King gives quite a, what do you humans call it? Ah, quite a ********]