Gaia Radio presents Gaia Idol:
Going along smoothly as expect. We however had a large out break of Zombie Bumpers and have took care of it by shoving money in their face. Not sure in real life that you should shove money in their face they will more than likely attack you then go to Las Vegas to play a couple slots.
Back to the main story, We have one more weekend before the forum is open for open submissions of all you talented singers.What Steven you are entering it? Good luck to you, you are going to need it. Really you are going to need it.

Gaia Radio presents: Staff Intimate Auction:
The winner of the Staff panties and signs has been announce but first I will tell you who it is. Honor Courage Commitment Who just like his title took the honor spot with the highest bid amount for our first auction. One Million Gold! That is a lot of gold. Of course he will get all of those panties and signs. I hope he remembers to put them in the wash first, hand dry you know.
Pump Up The Post
The winners of the PUTP have been quoted and will receive either tickets or gold. That is right you can get some coinage or some tickets for an awesome prize. Next week is the last week and if you want any of those prizes you better post like crazy. Next month there will be items from the current RIG so stick around.