Is the last person you kissed also the next person you’ll kiss?
Have you been disappointed in the past three days?
Not disappointed, bored.
Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past three months?
If you were drunk and you couldn’t walk, would the person you last kissed take care of you?
Why would I be drunk, and when did I kiss someone?
Have you ever kissed someone who was high?
I've kissed like no one.
Have you ever fallen asleep in school?
Who’s the biggest douche bag that you know?
...My homework, right now.
Do you think you will have the same best friend a year from now?
Who was the last male you talked to?
Light. I was yelling at my computer screen while reading my manga.
Do you dislike anyone?
Like, 7-43 people.
Do you have empty bottles of alcohol hidden somewhere?
No sir
Who was last to touch your butt?
Some pervert at school. <--- this
Do you have siblings over the age of 21?
My imaginary sibling named Bob
How did you get your last bruise?
I walked into a wall
Are you single?
You shall not find out
Are you missing anyone/something?
My bed
What do you think when someone kisses you on your forehead?
I think it’s cute.
What do you usually do right when you wake up?
Set my alarm for 10 more minutes
Would you rather have orange juice or milk with your breakfast?
Orange Juice.
When was the last time you were told you were cute?
Are you taller than most people your age?
Not really
Do you still talk to the last person that kissed you?
Tell me about the shirt you’re wearing?
Lil cute shirt with hearts on it. Button down
Is there someone you wouldn’t mind kissing right now?
Are there things in your life that you’ll never be able to get over?
Mm, only the fact of school's schedule
Does the last person you held hands with mean something to you?
Honestly, are you happy with the way things are?
I can’t complain.
Do you always care what you look like?
Not really
Relationship between you and the last person you texted?
Bffs. I never text tho.
Is the last person you kissed mad at you?
Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
How many people are you texting?
Do you think people think bad things about you?
There’s always someone.
Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
Has anyone told you they would never leave and left?
My cat, through his mind
Ever liked someone whose name started with a M?
...Trying to think of an anime chara but can't. No real people...
Did you ever waste time on a certain boy or girl?
Who hasn’t?
Have you gotten into an argument with the last person you kissed?
If the last person that you kissed said they wanted to marry you, what would you say?
You must've been very serious about that kiss
What’s currently bothering you right now?
My arm itches and I'm hungry
Are you afraid of the dark?
Blame Kingdom Hearts
Who was the last person you had a phone conversation with for more than 2 minutes?
My bff
Who have you ever had the longest conversation with on the phone?
My bff
Would you ever consider piercing your lip?
Have you ever gotten a sun burn so bad it hurt to move?
Do you toss & turn for hours at night or fall right to sleep?
Toss and turn
Has anyone ever hung up on you?
Did you speak to your father today?
Yes, and he was doing swell
How have you felt today?
Is there any emotion you’re trying to avoid right now?
Have you ever kissed someone in a vehicle?
Are you a forgiving person?
Depends on the person I'm forgiving
Are your toenails painted pink?
How did you know?
Are you wearing shorts?
Ever had a boy best friend?
Last people in the car with?
Do you wear a lot of makeup?
I wear none
Do you straighten your hair often?
I never do anything to my hair but wash it or tie it up
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?
Do you regret anything from your past?
How many people of the opposite sex have made you cry?
...Maybe like, 3. I counted when I was a baby.
What was the last thing you and your mom talked about?
She said the drawing I made was cute
At this very moment, what exactly are you doing?
Do you know anyone currently in jail?
No I do not
How do you feel about your siblings?
Nothing. I'm coldhearted ((Actually I'm just an only child))
Lil Wayne or Plies?
Eminem. Who the is Plies?
Why are you taking this survey?
Boredom and hunger
What do you currently hear?
Air and typing
If you could make your lips bigger, would you?
I would be known as miss lips if I did so
Do you like your hair?
Could be better
Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow?
Yes actually,thats when school starts
Have you cut your hair this week?
What was the last thing you wore that was black?
Where do you want to be right now?
Table, eating
Do you know what you want to do when you grow up?
Singer or journalist?
Is your life falling apart or coming together?
Little of both
Could you go a whole year without cursing?
Psh, I guess. Can I replace words?
Are you spending the weekend with the last person you texted?
Have you ever kissed someone who smokes?
Are you planning to have a kid?
What’s the last thing you touched, other than your computer?
My keyboard~
Is it common for you to have a song stuck in your head?
One for each hour I'm awake.
In your life, do you plan on visiting other countries?
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