nov. 26th, damn time is flying so fast. already over a month since i last made one of these. Well anywho here is my dream so i don't forget it.
The first thing i remember is being in an open field of fresh grass. Sunny, trees in the distance and I feel in control. I half knew that i was asleep and that i could now do what ever i wanted. So naturally i jump up and attempt to fly. Im somewhat successful and im about 10-15 feet above the ground when i have a better idea. To dream about Shane. Of course it started out sort of sexual, but then i remember just trying to kiss him. Im half successful, when my lips touched his, they felt like cloth or fabric. This i knew was me absent minded kissing my pillow. So i told my imagination to try harder, eventually it did feel like lips at one point.
But then i was suddenly at a different grassy/gardeny field. there was a white stone bench underneath a tree with multiple flowers on it. Or maybe i threw the flowers on it. But there were yellow, purple, red, blue, pink, very beautiful flowers and they all represented a part of me. I dont know what they others stood for, but these little white flowers represented my innocence and virginity. I knew these were meant to be protected. I dont think Shane was there at that point but i was thinking about him.
Then suddenly im at this strange store. I think it may have revolved around weddings, but also sold jewelry, candles, and religious stuff. It was a sort of crappy looking store run by these two blonde ladies, probably in their twenties. They both seemed somewhat tired, probably of the customers. It was very crowded and it as a very small store. The most impressive part of the store was the jewelry. On top of a regular showcase of jewelry, there was a glass box of probably what seemed to be the new style of ring or necklace and the special part was that there were two huge spiders in the glass cube. Their backs were beautifully colored, they looked like jems themselves. They crawled around the piece of jewelry spinning thin webs around the case. I was glad there was thick glass in between me and them, pretty sure they were poisonous.
So my sister wanted to buy this lacy looking piece of cloth from the blondes but it was somehow ripped in half, the two blondes said that it was still at full price or something like that and that if my sister wanted it she'd have to pay for all of it. So my sister said something like "But what if i rip it?" as if ripping it into 3 parts would make it less money. She needed this piece for that one wedding shes going to irl.
I'm walking away towards the other side of the store when there were these giant, middle finger sized ants crawling all over this other piece of jewelry, they were next to the cube of the spiders. Some how one of the ants got into my mouth. It was very disgusting and i pulled it out of my mouth before anything happened.Makes me shudder just thinking about it. So i quickly make my way to the other side of the store. The most crowded side, this is when my little sister and parents walk in. All of these candles and religious things were surrounding me and I just looked at the stuff funny. There was a cardboard cut out of some dude holding a cross, a shaved head but hair making a ring around his head like those religious dudes from the past did, and he looked kind of terrified, as if he'd seen a demon and is now summoning gods power to protect him. There were other cut outs of lambs and stuff. I'm definitely not a religious person so i looked at this stuff thinking it was kind of ridiculous and childish.
Perhaps i actually said something to offend someone or everyone in there somehow knew i wasn't religious. So they kicked me out of the store. The rest of my family followed me out and they also thought the store was odd. I'm now in this dark city ally way. It looked like it was drawn, like something ive seen on deviant art. It was a really pretty image, but still dark and suspicious looking.
Me and my family were walking down it when someone walked out of a door that was elevated on some building that had a walk way leading down into the ally, i'm really bad at explaining that. But i remember them being high and leaning over a railing and yelling down at me "You will not make it to heaven!"
So i shout back "Doesnt matter, i dont believe in it" but after i said that i kind of regretted saying that. Because its not like i dont believe in "Heaven" i just dont have a religion. So i dont know what happens after we die, maybe we all go to a happy place. I dunno, but anyway i keep walking down when suddenly this guy comes out of no where. Now im not racist and i have no idea why this happened in my dream but this black guy was glaring at me and i forget if he said anything, but i knew he was at full rage and wanted to hurt me. So i start running. My sisters run too but he wasnt after them. The first thing i think of was the flowers, the white ones that represented my innocence. For some reason i assumed he was after those, so maybe i thought he was a rapist whether he'd actually rape me or simply destroy the flowers, which ultimately would be the same thing.
I keep running, all the way back to that white bench, it was dark their now and still beautiful. I made it to the flowers and everything is fine, and then the man catches up to me. Suddenly there were dogs running around. Big black dogs, i dunno if it was wolves or pincers, whatever they are called they look like skinny rottweilers, i forget the name. But these dogs attacked i dont remember getting bitten but i remember howling and yelping as they rushed by me. I dont know what happened to the rage guy. I look at my flowers, i think i was worried they were deteriorating and so i visualized it in my dream.
Suddenly, im in this very beautiful place. Its a giant tree, me and my sisters were standing on a huge branch. This tree was gigantic and covered in huge leaves. It had this perfect green glow of my favorite color. I realized this was the after life, i dont know how i died. My dad always says that maybe heaven was a place where you can make the land and you control what's there or something. If i wanted disneyland, Bam theres disneyland. But anyway my sisters suddenly jump off the branch and pencil dive down. They go into this body of water surrounding the tree and they dont make one splash. its as if they just fall into the water, but they can swim around and splash. So then i jump down i tell myself "there is no need to fear falling, i can fly if i wanted to even but i want to try not splashing." So i do so, i fall into the water no splash or noise.
once im under water i realize theres a bridge. it wasnt an arched bridge that went over the water. it was a flat bridge that sort of just floated above the water. the tree was on the other side of it right next to it. My parents were already there under water and we all swam underneath this bridge as if to hide. For the rage guy was back and now crossing the bridge, looking for us. or just me. My parents randomly begin helping this one kid, while under the bridge. It looked like he was choking on something and my parents were giving him the Heimlich until he coughed up this black substance. I guess that means he now has the freedom like we do to fly if we wanted or control our surroundings. He was new to being dead perhaps.
Anyway, i stupidly am under water and think to myself "its cool that we can breath under water, eh but wait that makes life here too easy" so i make it that i can only breath oxygen. Which was a dumb move because the rage guy above the water standing on the bridge looking around for us was still there. I swim up to get some air when he sees me. He immediately starts yelling, not saying anything just going like "Aaaaahhhhh!" all mad and junk. So i glare back and begin yelling back, his mouth kind of opens wider and yells louder and it seems over stretched like, well like he went from this o to this 0 so it was odd, and kinda freaky. I take in a breath to yell back at him but then my throat goes completely dry in real life. I start choking on the dryness and coughing as i wake up. I was suffocating in oxygen.
So yup that's my dream. even though there were some weirdos in it, it was really beautiful and the beginning rather romantic. I liked this dream owo
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