2nd tattoo. Infinity sign, just got it with my friend when she got her first tat. Pain level 1-10. 7

3rd tattoo. Soot sprite. Matching tattoo with my best friend to show our love for miyazaki films. Pain level 1-10. 5

4th tattoo. My second favorite band Breaking Benjamin, song is called Breath and it is the first song i heard by them and one of my favorites "you take the breath right out of me" Pain level 1-10. 10 (but i would do it again in a heart beat)

5th tattoo. My beautiful wolf <3 I'm completely obsessed, anyone who has known me for only a day can tell you that. Pain level 1-10. 3
(if you look in the background you can see my wolf collection on top of my closet)

6th tattoo. My Chihuahua Trixie. Had her for 17 years and i miss her so much sad it was so hard when she passed away, my little princess 4/18/12. Pain level 1-10. 2

7th tattoo. Another Evanescence tattoo. Lyrics from "sweet sacrifice" that says "fear is only in our minds, taking over all the time" i wouldn't say its my favorite song because i love all evanescence songs lol, but its a mind over matter tattoo and is placed on my "bicep" for strength, to not let fear take over and stop me from doing what i want in life. Pain level 1-10. 6

8th tattoo. My scissors (shears) and snakes one of my most proud tattoos because i truly earned it. This tattoo is a graduation gift to myself from graduating beauty school and becoming licensed Cosmetologist. I got scissors because hair cutting is my favorite out of anything else related to being a hair stylist and all the money used to pay for the tattoo was tips i had saved up all year from my clients while in school, so yes, i put a lot of thought into this piece. Also, i got snakes as blades because i intend to make an animal sleeve with all my favorite animals, starting with my wolf and now my snakes. Pain level 1-10. 5 its hard to put a pain level on it because it didn't hurt to start with, what hurt was my artist going over the same spot about 4 different times, its a big piece and right at my elbow

Picture was taking during the healing process, looks much better now