I am actually upset at this very moment. No I'm not going to be a douche about it and name-drop, point fingers or start a stink, but I am going to complain.
Over the many years I have been on GO [on varying accounts] I have NEVER been reported or had a thread of mine deleted for inappropriate content, nor promoting inappropriate content. In fact, I have gone above and beyond the call of duty and posted each and every time in every request thread, art thread, rant thread whatever have you, that I respect and support the ToS here on this website.
So to my shock and utter dismay, I had a thread deleted 4 days ago. This is also after I find out my first art thread has been moved to "inactive" and cannot be posted in. IDK about ya'll but over the last couple of years GO has fallen down to some pretty low standards. We Veterans are being pushed farther and farther to the brink of retirement and for what, because some little teeny-boppers have their panties in a twist?
I'm sorry if some the the GO populace still has standards. I'm sorry if some of us still require proper English to understand what the hell is being talked about. And most of all, I'm sorry that our youth today has become such a spoiled bunch. Whatever happened to saying what was on your mind and not catering to the emotes? There are plenty of ways to do so without swearing, name calling and without violating any kind of Rule here on GO, and apparently, THAT is wrong too.
I miss when people weren't such uptight pricks. I miss when there was actual leeway and this place was fun. Its no wonder people who have been here for 10 years are leaving. What is the point in staying if everything is going to be criticized, "warned" or is a banable offense? What is the point in staying if every time you do something, someone with a stick up their backside is reporting you for "inappropriate behavior"?
Uhg. I mean really now.
![]() Mister Muffles Community Member ![]() |