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Ruki XXIII's Disjointed Mussings
The title says it all, I suppose.
Dangan Ronpa LP Log - #7

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I ran out of the room, hoping to join my classmates.
But what waited for me outside...
Was a situation straight out of an old manga.



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User Image Ah! Maizono-san!?

User Image I’m sorry! Are you alright!?

User Image I...it’s fine... I’m the one who should be sorry...

Flashing an embarrased smile, she slowly lifted up from the floor.

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User Image Maizono-san, are you really okay? No injuries?

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User Image Heh heh. I’m pretty sturdy. You don’t have to worry about me.

User Image I may look fragile, but my muscles are actually pretty strong. It’s because I’m always jumping around on stage!

User Image That’s a relief...

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User Image Are you alright, though, Naegi-kun? That bruise from Oowada-kun’s punch...

That’s right... I lost concsiousness right in front of everyone.
Figures. The first thing I do here is look like a weakling.

User Image ...Naegi-kun?

User Image Ah, I’m fine! This kind of thing is nothing to me, really!

User Image Thank god. I was a little worried, you know.

User Image Y... yeah...

User Image By the way, what were you doing outside my door?

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User Image I came to call you out.

User Image Call me out?

User Image I thought if you’ve woken up already, you’d want to join the rest of us at the cafeteria.

User Image Cafeteria?

User Image After you collapsed, everyone went exploring on their own.

User Image We thought it would be most effective to split up the investigation between us.

User Image We promised to meet up at the cafeteria later and report our findings.

User Image And... this meeting is happening now?

User Image If that’s the case, of course I want to be there!

User Image Thank god. Well, I’ll go on ahead.

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User Image And we're left on our own. There really isn't much to do other than heading straight to the cafeteria, which is just ahead. But first, let's take a look at where we just came out from.

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It’s the room I just came out of. The name plate has my name and face on it.

User Image So it looks it really is our own room we were in. Now that that's confirmed, let's go ahead and catch up with Maizono-san.

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So this is the dormitory’s cafeteria.

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User Image Thanks god we have a clean cafeteria to eat in, don’t you think?

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User Image ...but this is not the time to be happy. We’re locked in here, after all.

User Image That’s right.

As far as I can tell, none of the others are here yet.
I guess we have to wait just a little longer.

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User Image That’s right. Let’s wait together!

User Image ...Eh!? How did you...!?

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User Image I can read minds.

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User Image ...Just joking. I just have good intuitions.

Are they really... just intuitions?

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I beg your pardon for interrupting, but this is the tutorial speaking.
I would like to explain about “Reaction Shots”, if you’d let me.
Your next action is probably going to be talking to Sayaka Maizono-sama, is it not?
In the following conversations, an occasional word in purple may appear. Much like in the previous sentence.
When a word in purple appears, you may push the triangle button to go into Reaction Mode.
By pushing the directional keys to select a word, and then the circle button...
You can talk about the word in question in more detail.
Well then, please enjoy this invaluable Reaction Shot.

User Image Reaction Shot. Nice pun.
"-sama" is our new honorific of the day, and it is used for someone you want to show respect for. In modern Japan, you'll mostly encounter it in customer service situations. Clerks in shops, banks and even at the airport refer to whoever they're serving this way. If you're watching a certain type of anime (or visited certain places in Akihabara) you've probably heard it from butlers and maids.

User Image Since I can't do color on the forums, I'll represent colored text with an underline. And look -- that last sentence in the tutorial is purple underlined. Let's press the triangle button!

gaia_spoons Obviously, I'll be taking advantage of Gaia's color options.

It seems you are a fast learner. How splendid!
The Reaction Shot is an essential skill for raising game flags... er, I mean advance the story, so make sure to use it!

User Image These were a lot of fancy words for what is basically your simple conversation topic selection system. These are not branching paths, and you usually have to select all the purple words one by one in order to advance the story. Okay, let's talk to Maizono again.

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User Image By the way, Naegi-kun...

User Image Eh? What is it?

User Image Er, I don’t mean to pry, but

User Image I wanted to talk to you about something since we introduced ourselves. There’s something I want to ask you.

User Image The game is just demoing the system here, since the first option is virtually useless...

Introduced ourselves

User Image Since our introductions?

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User Image We were interrupted back then, but there’s something I must ask you...

Something Maizono-san wants to ask me...
My interest is piqued.

I want to ask you

User Image So... what do you want to ask?

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User Image Naegi-kun, you didn’t go to Roku Junior High by any chance, did you?

User Image Class B at the Nekuro Roku Junior High?

User Image I... I did, but...

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User Image I knew it!

User Image I also went to the same school! I was in class D, did you know?

User Image How could I not know...

Even back in our junior high days, she was already a famous person worthy of several “super”s attached to her name.
There was no one in the school who didn’t know her.
But that’s not the surprising thing here. What’s surprising is...
The fact that she remembers me!
We were never even in the same class. I don’t remember speaking to her even a single time.

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User Image Is something wrong?

User Image No, I’m just a little surprised. I didn’t think someone like you would remember me...

User Image Isn’t it natural? We went to the same school, after all!

User Image Sure, it was the same school. But there were many other students there as well...

User Image And I’m not someone who particularly stands out in the crowd...

User Image I’m average in everything I do, I’m only interested in what’s at the top of the popularity charts. I’m an as plain a kid as you can find.

User Image Oh, why are you saying such silly things?

User Image You’re very special, Naegi-kun.

User Image S...special? Me?

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User Image Ahaha.

Her laugh was like the sound of bells tinkling.
She had a wonderful smile. The kind that calms your heart when you see it.
It was so wonderful, I couldn’t imagine better expression on any face anywhere.

User Image But really, it’s so great! Having someone I know here with me...

User Image I’m sure from now on I’ll be able to cheer up just by talking to you.

User Image You’re really amazing, Naegi-kun!

User Image No, I’m really not...

User Image Compared to all the other “Super High-school Level”s around here, I’m not much of a big deal...

User Image But you’re the only one here who managed to calm me down. All the other “Super High-school Level”s couldn’t do that.

User Image T...thank you for saying that...

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User Image Okay! As a reward for calming me down, I’ll become a “Super High-school Level Assistant”!

User Image Huh? Assistant?

User Image Naegi-kun’s assistant!

User Image I’ll do my best to help you so we can get out of here together!

Hearing Maizono-san say that...
Suddenly, I felt like I could do anything!
That said,
Everyone sure is late, aren’t they...
Also, what time is it anyway?
There must be a clock around here somewhere...

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User Image Right there on the wall, Naegi.

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Let’s see... the time is now...

User Image Huh!? It’s seven!? Is it evening already?

User Image Naegi-kun... You were out for quite a while...

...So that’s how it is.
There are no windows in this place, so my sense of time is all out of whack.
Being in this kind of environment can drive a man crazy.

User Image Leaving that aside, everyone is quite late. They should really be here by now.

And in perfect timing, just as she finished speaking, the doors to the cafeteria opened.

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User Image Naegi-kun and Maizono-kun! You two sure are early birds!

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User Image It’s disappointing. I was sure I was going to be first...

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User Image Is my fighting spirit... not yet up to the challenge...!?

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User Image I won’t give up! Next time I will surely win!! Justice always wins in the end!

User Image You’re making quite a scene!

Soon after that,
Others started to follow Ishimaru-kun into the dining hall.
And a few minutes after that...
Everyone was here.

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User Image It seems everyone is here! I propose we start the meeting!!

User Image On the agenda, report what we found in our investigations, and try to make the most out of the information!

User Image Let’s all work together to find a way out of this place as soon as possible!

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User Image Ah, wait a second...!

User Image What is it!?

User Image Eh, what was her name... That silver-haired girl...

User Image Ah, that’s it, Kyouko Kirigiri...?

User Image ...What about her?

User Image She’s not here.

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User Image What did you say!?

I looked around the cafeteria.
Sure enough, Kirigiri-san was nowhere to be found.

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User Image Where did she go? Did anyone see her around?

Everyone just shook their heads.

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User Image Eh? Did no one see Kirigiri-san all day?

The reason no one saw her...
It couldn’t possibly be...!

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User Image Beatingstabbingclubbingbeheadingburningsuffocatingstranglingslaughteringvoodoocursing... The method doesn’t matter.

User Image “Only a student who kills someone can leave”. It’s a very simple rule.

User Image The most evil of actions leads to the best of outcomes. I hope you all cooperate.

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There’s no way...
No, I’m probably just worrying too much...

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User Image Unforgivable, Kirigiri-kun... Late on the first day...

User Image Those who don’t mind being late and can’t even explain the reason soon have tardiness embedded in their very nature...

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User Image Do you even realise how incoherent you are?

User Image Nevertheless, a strict adherence to being on time is essential. But I guess we must go on.

User Image I hereby announce the opening of the first Hope’s Peak Academy report meeting!

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User Image ...Naegi-kun,

User Image I think we should start by asking everyone what they found after we split up.

User Image Yeah, I agree.

User Image Heh heh. Somehow...

User Image What is it?

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User Image It really feels like I’m your assistant, don’t you think?

User Image I may be unreliable, but I’ll try doing my best!

You’re not unreliable, Maizono-san. You’re truly the most comforting assistant I can think of.

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User Image So, In order to fill Naegi-kun in on what happened, Let me start with a simple explanation.

User Image We divided into groups and explored this building.

User Image Togami-kun and Ishimaru-kun went alone. So did Kirigiri-san, now that I think of it.

User Image Kuwata-kun, Hagakure-kun, Enoshima-san and Fujisaki-san all went together.

User Image Asahina-san, Oogami-san and Oowada-kun were also a group, and then the remaining Celes-san and Fukawa-san and Yamada-kun also stayed together.


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User Image I went looking for leads regarding the culprit who locked us all here.

User Image I couldn’t find anything, however. That’s all.

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User Image That’s... everything you have to report?

User Image If I found anything I would have told you. I didn’t, so there’s nothing to say.

User Image I... see. Understood.


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User Image I investigated the dormitory area.

User Image I made a grand discovery!! We each have our own private room over there!!

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User Image Hey, we know that already... I mean, that was the first thing we confirmed together, wasn’t it?

User Image There’s a name plate on each door designating whose room it is.

User Image Forbye, we have even been provided with a labeled key.

So that room I was in is really my own, as expected.

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User Image That’s not all. It seems the rooms are completely sound proof. I tested it with Fujisaki.

User Image We made a loud noise from the neighboring room, but couldn’t hear anything.

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User Image We also have a clean shower room. We can even lock its door.

User Image I think the note said only the girls’ shower rooms are lockable, though.

Huh...? When I looked over my room before, my shower room’s door was locked...
It’s strange. I’ll look into it again later.

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User Image So, putting it all together, they prepared private rooms for all of us and expect us to live in this place, the ********!

User Image It’s better than not having them! If we didn’t, survival would be much more difficult!

User Image S...so, is that all you have to report? A top student like yourself probably has something else...

User Image .........

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User Image That’s everything! Let’s move on!

Kuwata-kun, Hagakure-kun, Enoshima-san and Fujisaki-san

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User Image We looked at the metal plates covering the windows in the classrooms and corridors. We went through them one by one.

User Image We thought maybe one of them would be loose or something...

User Image But in the end...

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User Image Nothing came out of it. Nothing. None of them would budge an inch.

User Image It looks like there’s no way to escape anywhere...!

User Image We’re really trapped inside this school...!

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User Image That’s bad...

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User Image Bad bad bad bad bad... seriously bad. What are we going to do?

User Image Hey, calm down! You’re freaking me out too...

Asahina-san, Oogami-san and Oowada-kun

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User Image We searched the school area. We tried looking for a way to contact the outside world!

User Image But we couldn’t find anything... I’m sorry...

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User Image We went back to the entrance hall, and I tried doing something about that huge bulkhead blocking the exit...

User Image Even with the strength of me and Oogami together, no matter how much we pulled it was impossible to open.

User Image It’s as if it’s made of iron. It’s very tough.

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User Image That’s because it is made of iron.

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User Image ...Anyway, there doesn’t seem to be a way to take out this bulkhead by force.

User Image I feel like I’m about to cry...

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User Image Next, I will report my findings.

User Image It does not have relevance to the outside world, but I discovered a peculiar thing.

User Image In both the school and dormitory areas, there are stairways leading into a second floor.

User Image But they’re all fenced off by shutter gates. We couldn’t find a switch to open them anywhere...

User Image That is to say, in our present condition, we are not permitted to explore anywhere but the first floor of this building.

User Image Nevertheless, it is possible there are even more floors in this building we have no access to.

User Image It is possible there is a way out of the building in one of them.

Celes-san and Fukawa-san and Yamada-kun

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User Image To tell the truth, we didn’t really “go together”...

User Image “Didn’t do anything together” would be closer to the truth. We stayed inside the gym the entire day.

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User Image You see, running around investigating isn’t really my style.

User Image What the hell were you thinking, staying in one place and not gathering information?

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User Image No one invited me. Not one person asked me to join them.

User Image I hate being treated like a pariah. I can’t stand it!

User Image Hey, if you wanted to come along, you should have just said something!!

User Image I... can’t go around asking others if I can come along... I... I’m not an unrefined dirty girl like you...

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User Image Dirty girl.....?

User Image A girl with a light body and an empty head... I feel physically nauseous just thinking about it...

User Image I’m shocked. I didn’t expect you to call someone you just met names based on just first impressions.

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User Image Hey, you two. Calm down, ‘right? It’s not good for your skin, you know?

User Image That’s right! Are you already in such good terms that you feel it’s okay to fight?

Maizono-san... I don’t think that’s what it’s all about...

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User Image I think we’ve heard from everybody else.

User Image So let me report what I’ve been doing...

User Image I investigated this cafeteria.

User Image The fridge in the inner kitchen is stuffed with ingredients.

User Image It seems that we don’t have to worry about food, at least.

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User Image It doesn’t matter how full it is, how long can it last for 15 people?

User Image We can survive on crumbs for a few days if we have too.

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User Image Eh? Am I a bird?

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User Image There’s no need to worry. It seems the fridge will be filled automatically with fresh ingredients every day.

User Image That’s what Monobear said.

User Image ...You saw him!?

User Image When I looked in the fridge he suddenly jumped out from somewhere, told me that, and disappeared again.

User Image I don’t think you can control such speed by simple remote control.

User Image An elusive weapon shaped like a stuffed toy... I can’t decide if it’s scary or not...

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User Image But are you alright? He didn’t look like he was going to eat you, right?

User Image E... eat her...?

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User Image Hey, hey, what do you mean by that? What kind of “eating” are we talking about here?

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User Image H... hey, wait a second...!

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User Image Hey, fatty! That’s too agressive!! You’re like a no-good drunk old man!

User Image I don’t think there’s any such thing as a good drunk old man, ‘right?

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User Image Hey, will you just stop with all that nonsense!

User Image Did you fall asleep? We’re locked in this place! We could be killed at any moment!

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User Image That girl is right. This is not the place to be joking around. We should really figure out what to do...

And then, as if ignoring what Oowada-kun just said, that voice raised up.

User Image You’re all really noisy, you know?

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User Image Do you have that much time to spare? Or maybe you haven’t grasped our situation yet...?

User Image Kirigiri-kun! Where have you been until now?! The meeting started long ago!

Without saying a word, she placed a sheet of paper on the table.

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User Image Huh? That looks like...!

User Image They’re the floor plans for Hope’s Peak Academy.

User Image Floor plans?

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User Image Wait... Where did you get...

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User Image …Does it really matter?

User Image Of course it does! Are you trying to be funny?

User Image Let’s leave that aside for a second. What’s the meaning of these plans?

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User Image As far as I can tell by looking at them...

User Image The building we’re in right now is exactly the same as the academy.

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