o_O how long has it been since I've updated this? xP forever and a day. nonetheless...
biggrin I have a few things to show you all. (xP more like: D: I want this stuff, but I either end up giving my gold away, or I can't sell my items 'cause I have attachments)

(By: lizardman#2)

(By: Orca-san)

(By: lizardman#2)

(By: gods_lilangel01)

(By: lizardman#2)

(By: Bebbo)

(By: Gods_LilAngel01)

(by: lizardman#2)

(By: Jedi Zako)

(By: Karanuei_sochan)

(By: Gods_LilAngel01)

(By: ItalianMoofia)
:3 I had people tektek them for me. x.x Which do you like best? I think I like Karanuei_sochan's the best. x.x friggin' expensive, though, if you ask me. xP anyways, seeing as it's almost 3 am, I should get goin' ta' bed. G'night, ya'll!