Nickname: -Optional-
Gender: Male
Height: 5"6
Weight: 135 lbs
Age: 16
Birthday: October, 27
Home Town: Geosenge Town, Kalos
Orientation: Straight
> Nature
> Stormy days
> Cool Weather
> Nice people
> Dangerous people
> Hot Weather
> The City Life
> Power Crazed People
Fears: Nothing at the time...
Goals/Dreams: He would like to be a Poke Master Champion, and that he can be a great fighting tactician who can figure out great tactics for his battles against his opponents. He also hopes to become a great researcher later in the future. He really would also want to be a world traveller all through the pokemon world.
Skills: He is a good Runner, likes to cook,well swimmer, and sings pretty well as well when he wants to sing, plus he has a great mind that helps him study plants and pokemon as well.
Status: -Trainer
Theme Song:
Favorite Types: loves fire and dragon
Least Favorite Types: poison, and bug
Personality: intelligent, sweet, sly, mysterious, and outgoing
History: Sorick Serinta father was a pokemon champion a year ago and Sorick decided to head down the road that his father already carved out for him ever since he was young, his grandfather was a pokemon researcher in the Kalos region. Sorick is from Geosenge Town in Kalos region, he never decided his own goals ever since his father passed away from old age. Sorick's parents and grandparents spoiled him ever since he was really young.
Appearance/Physical Description: