Zephyr: You know she loves you. Go to her Micah.
Xenthos: Then why has she slept with so many? Well, Z?
Zephyr: That's the past. We have to look to the future Xen.
Xenthos: No Z, I mean while we were out here. We've had one.
Zephyr: We have to trust her words. Stop trying to make an issue that's not there!
Xenthos: Fine little man, you say she loves you... Yet, you never check her multiple profiles to see if the words she speaks are true.
Zephyr: I did once.......
Xenthos: Once Z, and it hurt us. Check her. See if we are the only ones she does those things with. You really think we're the only ones she sends those pictures to? Or better yet, cam to cam.. Think back Z...
Zephyr: Stop.....
Xenthos: What was that guys name she was with while she was ******** pit? Oh, and if you remember right, she was cheating on pit with the same guy later on.... Ian I think it was... Then, because pit was being mean... She jumped into your lap.. And now, because you were the bad guy, she has this kid, Victor? Are you really that thick Z? Stop blinding yourself..
Zephyr: He was a piece of s**t to her..
Xenthos: Who? Pit? Ian? How is it EVERY guy she ends up leaving is always the bad guy? She even made everyone hate you Z...
Zephyr: No, your lying.. They were bad people... And I guess I am s**t too...
Xenthos: NO! Z, as much as I hate to admit it... Your actually a decent little halfling.. You dedicated yourself to her even tho she didn't to you.. That's ******** amazing, considering your record...
Zephyr: Are you...... Are you being nice to me?
Xenthos: I'm just tired of this Z, I'm tired of seeing Micah fall for such shitty women and you putting your faith in them.. I see them for what they are and they end up turning you both against me KNOWING I'm right... I want you two to listen.... Just this once.... Look damn it... Snoop on her... See what see's really doing...
Zephyr: I..... I can't...
Xenthos: I know it'll hurt.... But before you throw the life you've built here away, make sure you know its real...
Zephyr: Why...... Why are you doing this?
Xenthos: Because...... Because I loved her too... But she's not what she says she is... Please.... For Micah's sake....
Zephyr: O-okay....
(After seeing the lies and having her deny & defend your lovers)
Zephyr: WHY!!!!????
Xenthos: Because she was fake... I tried months ago... Why didn't she leave her boyfriend when she confessed her love? Why is it so hard for her to choose her 'other half' over her friends? I have one from before us Z.... Why didn't the courts let her have her son after being raped by the father? Its all been bullshit... I'm sorry Z, she never loved you.. She only loves herself... You were just easy access.. An option..
Zephyr: (Crying hysterically)
Xenthos: I'm sorry to you too, Micah... I actually had faith in her at one time...
Me: I was going to give up everything..... I was willing to loose..... Everything....
Xenthos: Give up on them.. The Luna's you have met are tainted.. They don't even remember that night.. If they did, they wouldn't be doing this to you.. None of them.. Which also begs to question, were they even the real ones? Or just people wishing to be?
Me: I just don't get it.... Why am I never enough?
Xenthos: Its not that your not good enough.... Its that they aren't good enough for you..
Me: Right.... That's why I'm always an option...
Xenthos: See it as you will, little man.. But when the time comes, you'll be someones ONLY option...
After all this.....
March 18, 2008 to now.....
All the pain...
All the hurt....
And we're still fools......
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Ramblings of a bipolar man
I was going to hide this, since this was suppose to be a 13+ site, but who am I kidding.. We're all adults here, and these are opinions of a broken mind..
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( Thx to Yma88 )