Gathered Intelligence Center
What We've Learned So Far.
Sapiens Lacerta
Nicknames: Greenies, Swamp Monsters, Lizards, Rhino-heads, Swarmers
Physiology and Biology
Nicknames: Greenies, Swamp Monsters, Lizards, Rhino-heads, Swarmers
Physiology and Biology
They're a race of green humanoid aliens with a caste structure. Males typically do the most physical work. Depending on where you are born and what city you are born into determines your work and societal rank. Those who live in cities with more factories typically are the lowest rank. Occasionally there have been cases where the an individual is given a higher rank based on unknown circumstances. It seems that the males are covered in thick chitinous skin, strangely this composition is nearly as strong as granite on our planet. As such, they can take quote a few hits from directed energy fire before going down. They attack in groups and use advanced laser weaponry. While their skin gives them additional protection, it also reduces their vision. Their Field of Vision (FOV) is roughly 140 degrees give or take. To counter this they tend to wear armor on their shoulders to reduce damage from flanking maneuvers.
The females are tall and almost green in color. They've got a larger FOV, roughly 240 degrees. They tend not to wear heavy armor and are susceptible to damage from nearly all sources. Due to this, they stay in the back of enemy formations and operate most often as medics/snipers. They also seem to be the brains behind their entire race. It seems that they can reproduce without males, however this leads to nearly an 80 percent mortality rate.
Their biology suggests that they evolved from a genus of lizard native to their planet. They are cold blooded with excellent color vision. The males typically have scales on their underbellies where their natural armor is absent. The females have scales on their arms and legs. Our scientists believe they had once possessed tails. Their blood shows an increased amount of billverdin, giving their blood, bones, and tissue and green hue.
We haven't gotten a good hand on their laser weaponry, but they use highly advanced communication devices that show almost no radio traces. Perhaps operating on a frequency unknown to us. This makes getting into their communications very difficult.
Their ships operate primarily on nuclear power, the engines are located in small ports on the fore and aft sections of their ships as well as two twin engines at the far rear. Their ships are typically long, greenish in color, and covered in scaled armor. The have access to anti-gravity technology.
Their Planet
Their planet, designated X-452-AB, otherwise known as Hermes, is home to a vast array of animals and plants. An ocean surrounds a super continent on the eastern end of Hermes. However, their air supply would kill humans in roughly 30 minutes outside of a survival suit. The water is flooded with ethonel glycol, which was used as anti-freeze during the early 20th century. The planet has since grown immune to this chemical, obviously. But if a human were to step inside of it, they would be beyond saving.
The southern and western end of their super continent is covered in dense jungle. The direct center is a large plane that contains most of their towns/cities. The northern edge is an arid desert. The eastern end is a snowy tundra. Mountains stretch across the tundra and into the desert.