I will be gone from May 8th-22nd. I will try to hop on as much as possible but I don't know how often, if at all, I will be able to be on. I'm taking my netbook and I'll try but I'd rather not make any promises. I'd rather surprise people than let anyone down. xD
I've never been to Disney and I'm losing my everlovin' s**t right now. This will also be the first time I see the ocean.
Yeah, I'm pretty much verklempt at this point. @.@
This pretty much sums up my feels at the moment.

I dearly love you guys. Should I not return I just want you to know I'm sorry I didn't get more replies out before I go. emotion_facepalm
I kid, I kid- but I do love you guys. And I'll be back on the 22nd or so, hopefully with this vicious phobia of heights put rightfully in its place. emotion_0A0
* #ShitFlare'sNotThinkingAbout