Introduction of Character

Name: Chizuru Himura 千鶴 緋村
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Nickname(s): Chi
Alias(es): None
Birth Date: January 5th
Occupation: Assistant at Shibuya Psychic Research (SPR)
Affiliation(s): SPR ________________________________________ The Character’s Appearance
Appearance: Chi has light skin with dark brown slightly wavy layered hair with long bangs that is usually tied back with the rest of her hair in a ponytail. A few loose strands hang in her face. Her eyes are also dark brown and are wide and friendly. She has a freckle by her ear and a few dotting across her arms, collarbone, and back. There is a large, angry looking burn going across her back from her right shoulder to the middle of the left side of her back. She has a small frame, medium breasts, slightly chubby waist, average hips. She is often covered in band aids because of how often she accidently injures herself her falls down. She wears black rectangular glasses and a purple hoodie over some sort of graphic tee-shirt with dark blue skinny jeans and some casual dark sneakers. She sometimes wears a shark tooth necklace.
Height: 5’2 ________________________________________ About the Character
Personality: Chi is a very cheerful and playful, often teasing and getting cheeky with people. She always means well and makes sure that she never actually seriously offends people. She would rather nap or play games then work but not the less will always make sure to get it done soon and right the first time. She has an eidetic memory so she never really forgets things, and will make sure to correct you or bring up something from the past. Can be very argumentative just because she can be but you can tell easily when she brings up a serious argument and means it. Is very brave and will not hesitate to jump in front of someone to protect them or run toward the thing causing danger. Is pretty smart but is not very good and connecting the dots and deducting things. She is very perspective, noticing almost everything but will tell others since she doesn’t always know what to do with it. She can be very nice and comforting should the situation call for it. She is very serious and calm is tense situations in order to keep everyone else calm as well. Not afraid to take control of the situation and give out commands.
Fear(s): Fire(Major fear!), amnesia, Dying alone, no after life, going to hell, addiction, insanity, fear, spiders, poisonous snakes (others are fine), and rats.
Likes: Manga, video games, reading, being right, painting, napping, cats, cute things, the color purple, the cold, surfing the web, online gaming, blogging, movies, musicals, plays, and singing
Dislikes: Birds, getting bloody, most bugs, spicy/bitter/sour food,
Habit(s): zoning out, picking at nails, shaking legs, gaming instead of listening.
Flaw(s): can be very lazy, is clumsy, sometimes too nonchalant
Talent(s): Remembering things, researching, painting, gaming, acting, singing, and throwing things (aim) ________________________________________ The Character’s Relationship With Others
Reputation: Pretty well liked. Love Interest(s): Oliver Davis (Naru, Kazuya Shibuya): she started working for him after they met when spr took on a case her mom made. He was impressed with her research skills and remarkable memory and decided to hire her as another assistant.
Friend(s): Mai Taniyama Houshou Takigawa (Monk, Bou) Ayako Matsuzaki Masako Hara John Brown Yasuhara Osamu (Yasu, Shounen) Kazuya Shibuya (Naru)
Enemy(ies): None
________________________________________ The Character’s Academic Information
School: High school
Year: 2nd
(On a scale of 1-10; 1 being terrible and 10 being the best)
Psychic Skills: 2/10 Research Skills: 8/10 Technology Skills: 7/10 Intelligence: 6/10 Observation Skills: 8/10 Deduction Skills: 5/10 People Skills: 10/10 ________________________________________ The Character’s Familial/Biographical Information
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Family: Chi had a large family, Counting her mom and dad, there were 8 family members. She had two older siblings and three younger. In order of age it would be Daisuke (24), Suzume (18), Chizuru (was 13, now 16), Takehiro (9), Souta (5), and Yuki (5)
Familial Background: Everyone but Chi and her mom died in a fire when she was 13. Her sister was very mentally unstable and ended up in a huge rage. She beat their dad unconscious and tied him and their mom to the dining room chairs. Daisuke ran downstairs to find out what the noise was when Suzume killed him with a medal bat. Chi took her younger siblings and hid them upstairs while unaware that Suzume was pouring gasoline everywhere. By the time the fire started and reached upstairs her brother and father woke up. Dad was able to untie mom and had her run upstairs for the kids while he handled his daughter. Meanwhile Chi was trying to figure out how to put out the flames and separated from the twins, she soon heard their agonizing screams mix along with their dad’s and sister’s. Her mom grabbed her and upon seeing her began to break down, sobbing uncontrollably while clutching her. Chi pulled her downstairs and toward the door when the banister from the stairs fell on her, pinning her back down. Between the impact and the smoke she blacked out a bit. When she came to, she could she a shadowing male figure lifting the banister off her and pushed her mom towards her. They made it out alive and watched as their house went up in flames, their screaming family still heard. Her mom was sent to the hospital with severe burns all over her body while chi only had a single burn going across her back. The mental trauma of the event left her mom in the hospital permanently and Chi developed PTSD. Character Background: After the fire Chi lived in a crummy small apartment a friend of her mom is renting for her while her mom is in the hospital. Her mom stayed in the hospital, to week to leave and grew very unresponsive, just lying in her bed staring blankly in front of her. Chi lost hope in her. She immediately started looking for somewhere to work, seeing the desperate need for money. Very few places were willing to accept someone so young but she soon got a nice low paying one. She went to school and tried to hide her hard life from everyone around her but failed. Her friends were really upset for her, seeing that their friend was having a hard time emotionally with the situation she was in. They tried to help at first but Chi’s cold attitude ended up driving them away. She was ok with this at first but after awhile became really lonely and regretted her negative attitude. She made the decision to smile and keep moving forward, to hide and lock away all her sad thoughts and emotions so that no one could see. She hid behind a teasing smile and fake cheerfulness at first. Slowly she felt those fake feeling become real as she let go of the past that she would never truly forget.
Kasoday · Wed Jul 29, 2015 @ 04:12am · 0 Comments |