Mark woke up his head hurt. He couldn't remember what happened last night. He got up and seen he was in the grass. He didn't know where he was at the moment. His head hurt he knew that much and he looked around. He seen some sort of buildings around but nothing looked familiar. Neither did any of the people. Hell he had no idea What was going on. The pain in his head faded slightly as he looked around more. He approached a elderly woman who had a cane and a kerchief on her head. "Excuse me ma'am. Can you tell me where I am? I don't even remember how I got here." The old lady looked up at him "Your in the town Arcadia sonny." She told him. "Arcadia?" He raised his eyebrows and gave a puzzled look. "Never heard of it." He Looked around taking out his phone. He checked it and didn't have service. The old lady seemed to freak out a bit. "What...What is that?" "Huh? It's a cellphone of course." He tells her. "I don't have any service though. The hell am I?" "A cellphone? IS that what you call that magical box?" He laughed a bit now. "Okay obviously I'm being punk'd. And its pretty elaborate. Don't know how you took my service away though." He smiled and felt like playing along. "Yes this magical box does many things. I can play different games or listin to music. It can even tell me where I am on the whole earth by using these magic machines that fly in the sky." She looked taken back and she smiled and showed lots of enthusiasm now and she grabbed him by the hand. "Come come This way." He followed her not like he had much choice. She was unusually strong for an old woman. She pulled him into a house or something he wasn't sure what it was. There was an older man in there. in a vest and sweater and pants. He looked like your typical old man to be honest. "Mayor. This boy. He..he has a magical box. He might be more of a magician then you." He the old man stroked his beard a bit and chuckled. "More then me? That sounds interesting. So can you do this?" The old man reached out his hand and said some rubbish or something. He couldn't understand it. A ball of light raised from the mans hand. It floated there. Mark was just was taken aback and and a look of shocked. "How...How are you doing that?"