Still in my Spotlight of ZOMGLUV is Jondalar. &3 Made by Cihiru.

Because my old journal is SUCH a huge screaming mess, I figured I'd better clean and organize it. Maybe this way people will actually be able to find things in here. Including me. X_X

Art Gallery: Stuff of ME!
Me as an Audio Rhetoric!
1 and 2 Inu Mitsu Chibis of Me as Teh Immoliator, (now a Mule for the Shop Guard)
Me as Holiday Dragon
My look sure has changed a lot since I first showed up on Gaia, way back when my hair was pink, and I wore Doll ears and a ninja headband...but a few looks have turned out....really interesting...thanks to Gaia glitches or just my wierd sense of humor. Here's a few I saved.
X_X Back when they first released the winter had a kinda funky glitch.
Oops! Sari! I think most of us remember this one...the interesting little trait from the initial release of the Sari. This one was actually kinda popular. XD
Whip it! And this one....this was just funny.
Although these pets may be relisted elsewhere, I've organzed the first section into my cosplay horde, by character.
~ As a Fyn from AvynWings shop. heart
((Auron bred with Braska! XD: 1, 2, 3, eggs resulted! biggrin ))
~As a Pingu from Walrus Lurv! heart
~As an Abra from PHG
~ as a 'Living Rose' cosplay. ((an Bleeding Heart Flower)) heart
~ As a Thankitsu from Gunsniper!~ OMG! SO CUTE!!!! heart
~ As an Audio Rhetoric! This one is based on the KH2 Auron. heart
Quinlan Vos
~As an Anthropromorph
~ As an Attack Doberman from Four Paws
~ As an Iffrit!
~As an SOA
~As an SOAlaska
~ As an...thingie!
~ As a SinZ
~ Dead shop....
~As a Talaye!
~ As an Legasy of the Firebringer!
~ As a Zoombini. (FINALY certed. After what...a year?)
Scar from FMA
~ ~ ~ As an Anthro Jivens!
Davy Jones!: "Do you fear death? Do you fear that black abyss?"
~ As a Thankitsu by GunSniper! heart
~ As a Konseigo by Sanura Panthress and Endejester. heart
The Punisher
((none. Yet.)) ((I think Frank is the only person I've got listed that I have no cosplays for...yet. ninja ))
Geddoe from Suikoden 3
~ As...Geddoe! from a Failed shop we tried with Thalion.
Loz from Advent Children
~ As a Nightmare Valley MLP
~As an Audio Rhetoric
~As a Konseigo!
~As an ExLibris!! <333 CoOwned with Noko! <333
Shouryu/OC based on Twelve Kingdoms
Robert Pendryg: OC
-~ As a Thankitsu!!! OMG! Thank you Sniper!!!!!!!!!!
~ As a Dcorp! Thank you Thal! &3
- a Shaoilin Familiar
Into The Labrynth:
-Bat King
-Feroz Kayorlin
Korvo Vos
Holiday(Ryu) and XaldinMy favorate OC and my favorate Orgy Member! Cosplayed as Ex Libris! &3
Bren and Banichi (these two are actually cosplays, I just don't have them broken out.
Forn Dalr: Home of the Slepnir]Dagmar A 'natural' cosplay based on a scandinavian pony....&3
Gryphs Nemaransis: An incredible shop run by Black Pigeot. My new fave with Firebringer. &3
Dogberry Won in a Flatsale for me by "I am THE Kitsune" &3 Named after an Shakespherian character. He's based on a kind of parot.
Holiday Based on my white dragon character, Holiday is a standard gryphoness colored after a white opal. She was a pet trade. &3
Scar Based on Scar from FMA &3 Scar was an art trade with BP. We were both mega psyched. XD &3 He can't be rped, but da-mn. &3
Mikkal "Mack" Strom: A sailor currently without a ship...Mack and his scars are currently a mystery..... ninja
The Four Pillars
Chinmalpopoca and Itzcoatl
Norbu Surkhang and Kharma
~ Branwen &3 Her name means "White Raven" she was a birthday Raffle Arsenic held.
Geno Breaker Psychosis Piloted by Kaspar.
-Kaspar (background) and Hugo (foreground) in their bunker.
Mua'DibPiloted by Ousal Hayt
-Ousal Looks thoughtful.
Grendyl OMG! XD Look what Avyn bought me! This is the 'mon that grows to be Garuru-mon and his wolfy forms! heart
SS1 This was from Tursi! The name still hasn't updated, and now I forget what I asked for, but isn't she great?
SS2This one was a mystery. I dunno who sent him. &3
Sun Children:
Cute but underattended. This shop has winterfalcon lineart, you'd think they'd have more people banging down the door. Anyway, meet:
Hunter Thalion bought him for me in an auction! heart I didn't name him, the shop did. 3nodding
Legasy of the Firebringer:
Frosthelm An Plot siginificant character, Frosthelm is an dedicated 'Outrider' who has yet to take a mate. he's a serious individual who rarely speaks unless he needs to. ((Won in FS))
Winonna Mother of Waoki and Iko, Winonna lost her first mate, Ashlore, who she shared with Deepraven (Quinlans mother) to a pack of wolves. An experience she rarely speaks about, and doesn't seem terribly affected by. She's not a bad soul, though much of her motives seem driven by the desire to hook up with a mate of noble standing.
Quinlan Son of Deepraven, Quinlan shared a father with Iko, a noble stag lost to a pack of wolves. He finds his mother rather stifling at times, and while he's a young and potentialy noble soul, there's a hint of darkness to him, and a ferosity that could turn to being a bully if chanelled wrong, though for right now he uses it against them. His name means "Very Strong" And he hopes to live up to it, and the image he has of his father, Ashlore.
Conchnobhar The first wolfhound in the shop, Conchnobhar is a kind of familiar exclusive to humans. He's also based on a character of mine. &3
BigWig- The second ever Bunny from the shop...a thanks from thal for helping with the Solstice Deer &3 and a COSPLAY! of my -favorate- character from Watership down. &3
Mystery Bundle! O_O
FeliLuvin Bundle
Elrond! - burning_eyes OMG. I won a caption contest!
Enki and Kayori
Quinlan Vos!
Banichi and Bren - EEEEEEE! They're here! Bought these two to help RabidJigglypuff. :3 Who said charity gets you no where? XD
Kaori heart ((Second Place Fulll Custom from cert contest))
Ancients of China:
Bide OMG! thank you Gunsniper and Thalion! heart
Pirates! Black Hearts on the Blue Seas
Gally Kassidy
Rabbit Grey
Valentine Crane
Jhanurra (Jhan) Helviana
Shaoilin Wolves:
Oktyabrina - From Sniper and Thal's litter~! Her name means "October Revolution"
Shadows of Africa
Azize - ((gift from Thalion)) heart "Real Men Wear Pink"?
Sayid - ((gift from Remove)) heart
Sekhmet - ((breeding))
Nitesh - ((gift from Remove)) heart
Nasnan heart ((Gift from Naita))
Norbu heart ((Gift from Dust! O_O Because Anansi was being rude to her.))
Anansi: God of Trickery
Devi Korvo's mate, inherited from Endejester.
ChaniEaster Leopardess, inherited from Endejester.
Enki Brother to Ramses: Inherited from Endejester. (not yet re-certed)
Shadows of Alaska
Quinlan Vos
Four Paws
Quinlan Vos
Paras Lenox
Audio Rhetoric:
Pokemon Hybrid Generation
Ryose of Snow White and Rose Red.
Rune HOLY! O_O Rune as a selkie from the Great Selkie of Sulkerry!
Rasputin - Gift from Remove
Nathaniel - Auction AB heart
Natures Wonders:
SS1 My second SS from here alas never opened. :/ I hate that....jerks.
Holiday! Won from an art contest, she's also the first Seraphic Konseigo AND done after my old dragon persona!
Davie Jones! - Ende got me Davy (and Jack for herself) as part of three customs she was allowed for the lineart! razz URR!:
Esque A Halloween Mini from Sanura &3
Kitsukage!!!! Meet Momotaro! - Gift from Endejester heart
Jericho ^_^ One of two Kitsu's bought to help Kitsukage Mountain get some new lineart. biggrin
Zatara Not bought at the same time as Jericho and Giddeon, Zattie was bought afterward along with an random angelic for Avyn Wing. He's one of Kipeshtins colorings, HOMFG, XD he looks quite poisonous! heart
Ploosh! A "Flutter" Plushie as a prise to everyone for entering the "What would your ideal Buterfly Kitsu" be at the Kitsu Mountain. I didn't win, but I got a Ploosh. ^_^;
Soot An freebie given away at the Mountain's Miazaki event.
Gideon Another from the'help us get lineart' deal. biggrin
Hidalgo My First MUSH, he looks best now that he grew up. He was from agreeing to trade my Visage for a MUSH when Otsune desided to quit doing Visage.
Kaliska Isn't she sweet? heart I love her dark colors and 'winged' chest. ^_^ Her name means "Coyote Chasing Deer" according to Lesotho gave her to me for drawing her a concept drawing for her IODM quest.
Lokesh *gasp of shock* I entered an Color your own contest for MUSH....and I WON! Twice! biggrin The first entry and one of my two winers is Lokesh here, who's name is Sanskrit and means "Lord of the World"
-]Dharma Dharma is my second entry, and may have inspired a few other colorings. XD She ended up not being the only blue, leopardesque dog in the line up. I'm so proud of her! She came out lovely. biggrin
Kirika Temple:
Bait a Weeble:
Xocolatl heart
Daimian Halloween permakit from ??? O_O
Rokku Halloween Permakit from Nikui! heart !
Quinlan An Christmas gift from like...two years ago now from Thal. He was supposed to be fully growing. *pokes I-pod* :/
General Listing
General Stuff 07:
AngryPeach Boy Loves Jar Sheep
Ex Libris from BP
Halloween 2006
-Black Cat Plush: Reyna Crylos gave these out in the FeeDee Masquerade
-Pumpkin toy from a MUSH event. Dunno what dog should get this yet.
-Twilight - Designs Two freebies, also by Reyna I think, also given out at FeeDee. :3
Rha'ad A cosplay of my Kirin from Ocean of Fire heart - Gift from Thalion
Auron Another gift from Thal, an Auron cosplay. XD
Loz - Nightmare Valley MLP
Montgomery - Siira Sepulchery
Elvis - Stray Cat Strut
Winged Pard
Vatusia - Natures Gift
Rikk - Skys of Pern
Jaereth - Skys of Pern
Quinlan Vos - Wasteland Hyena
Nyn - Lucarin
Nikolaus -Lucarin
Lyrael - Lucarin
Gankutsuo - Lucarin
Korvo - Fuzzy SLipper SHop
Korvo -Aiko
Tachibana -Aiko
Dunkun Idaho E.O.E.
SHiruk - Chimuian Bestiary
Rune Beta Aquarium
Teena- Count D's
Shouryu - Count D's
Leon Orcot - Count D's
Dead/Inactive/Lost/Random stuff:
Sprite from Rhokar
A Peacock
Pe'le Valentine
Christmas Drow From Thalion at Chimuian Bestiary
Quinlan the Zoombini Total growing custom. Never so much as certed. *growl*
I was Nice!
Grifter - SinZ
Quinlan Vos -Sinz
Quinlan Vos (same thing as StoneZ)

Art Gallery: Stuff of ME!
Me as an Audio Rhetoric!
1 and 2 Inu Mitsu Chibis of Me as Teh Immoliator, (now a Mule for the Shop Guard)
Me as Holiday Dragon
My look sure has changed a lot since I first showed up on Gaia, way back when my hair was pink, and I wore Doll ears and a ninja headband...but a few looks have turned out....really interesting...thanks to Gaia glitches or just my wierd sense of humor. Here's a few I saved.
X_X Back when they first released the winter had a kinda funky glitch.
Oops! Sari! I think most of us remember this one...the interesting little trait from the initial release of the Sari. This one was actually kinda popular. XD
Whip it! And this one....this was just funny.
Although these pets may be relisted elsewhere, I've organzed the first section into my cosplay horde, by character.
~ As a Fyn from AvynWings shop. heart
((Auron bred with Braska! XD: 1, 2, 3, eggs resulted! biggrin ))
~As a Pingu from Walrus Lurv! heart
~As an Abra from PHG
~ as a 'Living Rose' cosplay. ((an Bleeding Heart Flower)) heart
~ As a Thankitsu from Gunsniper!~ OMG! SO CUTE!!!! heart
~ As an Audio Rhetoric! This one is based on the KH2 Auron. heart
Quinlan Vos
~As an Anthropromorph
~ As an Attack Doberman from Four Paws
~ As an Iffrit!
~As an SOA
~As an SOAlaska
~ As an...thingie!
~ As a SinZ
~ Dead shop....
~As a Talaye!
~ As an Legasy of the Firebringer!
~ As a Zoombini. (FINALY certed. After what...a year?)
Scar from FMA
~ ~ ~ As an Anthro Jivens!
Davy Jones!: "Do you fear death? Do you fear that black abyss?"
~ As a Thankitsu by GunSniper! heart
~ As a Konseigo by Sanura Panthress and Endejester. heart
The Punisher
((none. Yet.)) ((I think Frank is the only person I've got listed that I have no cosplays for...yet. ninja ))
Geddoe from Suikoden 3
~ As...Geddoe! from a Failed shop we tried with Thalion.
Loz from Advent Children

~ As a Nightmare Valley MLP
~As an Audio Rhetoric
~As a Konseigo!
~As an ExLibris!! <333 CoOwned with Noko! <333
Shouryu/OC based on Twelve Kingdoms
Robert Pendryg: OC
-~ As a Thankitsu!!! OMG! Thank you Sniper!!!!!!!!!!
~ As a Dcorp! Thank you Thal! &3
- a Shaoilin Familiar
Into The Labrynth:
-Bat King
-Feroz Kayorlin
Korvo Vos
Holiday(Ryu) and XaldinMy favorate OC and my favorate Orgy Member! Cosplayed as Ex Libris! &3
Bren and Banichi (these two are actually cosplays, I just don't have them broken out.
Forn Dalr: Home of the Slepnir]Dagmar A 'natural' cosplay based on a scandinavian pony....&3
Gryphs Nemaransis: An incredible shop run by Black Pigeot. My new fave with Firebringer. &3
Dogberry Won in a Flatsale for me by "I am THE Kitsune" &3 Named after an Shakespherian character. He's based on a kind of parot.
Holiday Based on my white dragon character, Holiday is a standard gryphoness colored after a white opal. She was a pet trade. &3
Scar Based on Scar from FMA &3 Scar was an art trade with BP. We were both mega psyched. XD &3 He can't be rped, but da-mn. &3
Mikkal "Mack" Strom: A sailor currently without a ship...Mack and his scars are currently a mystery..... ninja
The Four Pillars
Chinmalpopoca and Itzcoatl
Norbu Surkhang and Kharma
~ Branwen &3 Her name means "White Raven" she was a birthday Raffle Arsenic held.
Geno Breaker Psychosis Piloted by Kaspar.
-Kaspar (background) and Hugo (foreground) in their bunker.
Mua'DibPiloted by Ousal Hayt
-Ousal Looks thoughtful.
Grendyl OMG! XD Look what Avyn bought me! This is the 'mon that grows to be Garuru-mon and his wolfy forms! heart
SS1 This was from Tursi! The name still hasn't updated, and now I forget what I asked for, but isn't she great?
SS2This one was a mystery. I dunno who sent him. &3
Sun Children:
Cute but underattended. This shop has winterfalcon lineart, you'd think they'd have more people banging down the door. Anyway, meet:
Hunter Thalion bought him for me in an auction! heart I didn't name him, the shop did. 3nodding
Legasy of the Firebringer:
Frosthelm An Plot siginificant character, Frosthelm is an dedicated 'Outrider' who has yet to take a mate. he's a serious individual who rarely speaks unless he needs to. ((Won in FS))
Winonna Mother of Waoki and Iko, Winonna lost her first mate, Ashlore, who she shared with Deepraven (Quinlans mother) to a pack of wolves. An experience she rarely speaks about, and doesn't seem terribly affected by. She's not a bad soul, though much of her motives seem driven by the desire to hook up with a mate of noble standing.
Quinlan Son of Deepraven, Quinlan shared a father with Iko, a noble stag lost to a pack of wolves. He finds his mother rather stifling at times, and while he's a young and potentialy noble soul, there's a hint of darkness to him, and a ferosity that could turn to being a bully if chanelled wrong, though for right now he uses it against them. His name means "Very Strong" And he hopes to live up to it, and the image he has of his father, Ashlore.
Conchnobhar The first wolfhound in the shop, Conchnobhar is a kind of familiar exclusive to humans. He's also based on a character of mine. &3
BigWig- The second ever Bunny from the shop...a thanks from thal for helping with the Solstice Deer &3 and a COSPLAY! of my -favorate- character from Watership down. &3
Mystery Bundle! O_O
FeliLuvin Bundle
Elrond! - burning_eyes OMG. I won a caption contest!
Enki and Kayori
Quinlan Vos!
Banichi and Bren - EEEEEEE! They're here! Bought these two to help RabidJigglypuff. :3 Who said charity gets you no where? XD
Kaori heart ((Second Place Fulll Custom from cert contest))
Ancients of China:
Bide OMG! thank you Gunsniper and Thalion! heart
Pirates! Black Hearts on the Blue Seas
Gally Kassidy
Rabbit Grey
Valentine Crane
Jhanurra (Jhan) Helviana
Shaoilin Wolves:
Oktyabrina - From Sniper and Thal's litter~! Her name means "October Revolution"
Shadows of Africa
Azize - ((gift from Thalion)) heart "Real Men Wear Pink"?
Sayid - ((gift from Remove)) heart
Sekhmet - ((breeding))
Nitesh - ((gift from Remove)) heart
Nasnan heart ((Gift from Naita))
Norbu heart ((Gift from Dust! O_O Because Anansi was being rude to her.))
Anansi: God of Trickery
Devi Korvo's mate, inherited from Endejester.
ChaniEaster Leopardess, inherited from Endejester.
Enki Brother to Ramses: Inherited from Endejester. (not yet re-certed)
Shadows of Alaska
Quinlan Vos
Four Paws
Quinlan Vos
Paras Lenox
Audio Rhetoric:
Pokemon Hybrid Generation
Ryose of Snow White and Rose Red.
Rune HOLY! O_O Rune as a selkie from the Great Selkie of Sulkerry!
Rasputin - Gift from Remove
Nathaniel - Auction AB heart
Natures Wonders:
SS1 My second SS from here alas never opened. :/ I hate that....jerks.
Holiday! Won from an art contest, she's also the first Seraphic Konseigo AND done after my old dragon persona!
Davie Jones! - Ende got me Davy (and Jack for herself) as part of three customs she was allowed for the lineart! razz URR!:
Esque A Halloween Mini from Sanura &3
Kitsukage!!!! Meet Momotaro! - Gift from Endejester heart
Jericho ^_^ One of two Kitsu's bought to help Kitsukage Mountain get some new lineart. biggrin
Zatara Not bought at the same time as Jericho and Giddeon, Zattie was bought afterward along with an random angelic for Avyn Wing. He's one of Kipeshtins colorings, HOMFG, XD he looks quite poisonous! heart
Ploosh! A "Flutter" Plushie as a prise to everyone for entering the "What would your ideal Buterfly Kitsu" be at the Kitsu Mountain. I didn't win, but I got a Ploosh. ^_^;
Soot An freebie given away at the Mountain's Miazaki event.
Gideon Another from the'help us get lineart' deal. biggrin
Hidalgo My First MUSH, he looks best now that he grew up. He was from agreeing to trade my Visage for a MUSH when Otsune desided to quit doing Visage.
Kaliska Isn't she sweet? heart I love her dark colors and 'winged' chest. ^_^ Her name means "Coyote Chasing Deer" according to Lesotho gave her to me for drawing her a concept drawing for her IODM quest.
Lokesh *gasp of shock* I entered an Color your own contest for MUSH....and I WON! Twice! biggrin The first entry and one of my two winers is Lokesh here, who's name is Sanskrit and means "Lord of the World"
-]Dharma Dharma is my second entry, and may have inspired a few other colorings. XD She ended up not being the only blue, leopardesque dog in the line up. I'm so proud of her! She came out lovely. biggrin
Kirika Temple:
Bait a Weeble:
Xocolatl heart
Daimian Halloween permakit from ??? O_O
Rokku Halloween Permakit from Nikui! heart !
Quinlan An Christmas gift from like...two years ago now from Thal. He was supposed to be fully growing. *pokes I-pod* :/
General Listing
General Stuff 07:
AngryPeach Boy Loves Jar Sheep
Ex Libris from BP
Halloween 2006
-Black Cat Plush: Reyna Crylos gave these out in the FeeDee Masquerade
-Pumpkin toy from a MUSH event. Dunno what dog should get this yet.
-Twilight - Designs Two freebies, also by Reyna I think, also given out at FeeDee. :3
Rha'ad A cosplay of my Kirin from Ocean of Fire heart - Gift from Thalion
Auron Another gift from Thal, an Auron cosplay. XD
Loz - Nightmare Valley MLP
Montgomery - Siira Sepulchery
Elvis - Stray Cat Strut
Winged Pard
Vatusia - Natures Gift
Rikk - Skys of Pern
Jaereth - Skys of Pern
Quinlan Vos - Wasteland Hyena
Nyn - Lucarin
Nikolaus -Lucarin
Lyrael - Lucarin
Gankutsuo - Lucarin
Korvo - Fuzzy SLipper SHop
Korvo -Aiko
Tachibana -Aiko
Dunkun Idaho E.O.E.
SHiruk - Chimuian Bestiary
Rune Beta Aquarium
Teena- Count D's
Shouryu - Count D's
Leon Orcot - Count D's
Dead/Inactive/Lost/Random stuff:
Sprite from Rhokar
A Peacock
Pe'le Valentine
Christmas Drow From Thalion at Chimuian Bestiary
Quinlan the Zoombini Total growing custom. Never so much as certed. *growl*
I was Nice!
Grifter - SinZ
Quinlan Vos -Sinz
Quinlan Vos (same thing as StoneZ)