Playing with Dreamers!
I started playing with tektek because depression got to me really well today. Thanks for all the people who acutally talked to me... *cough* Marshi, Xetjsin, RockstotheBass *cough* anyway. I was really happy with these though very flashy! They probably would take me years to get...

You probably want to know what's what (left to right): Random, My Dream Avi, Captain JBK, Angelic Sumizome, Demonic Sumizome, Sumizome if a guy, What I believe to best fit Marshi-chan, My character in RP called Angelica, RP Character Tamni, Ark from RP, Evil Demon from RP that Kidnapps Angelica. From Another RP is the Ninja Gregor, and his love Kimiko. Princess Juana (Trouville Unversity)
Posted by: suizome Fri Jun 23, 2006 @ 03:45am