I have a couple of pictures of a few users on GAIA as well as a couple of the moderators. But I'll do that later. O_o
![User Image](https://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y2/DonationFAQ/AX%202005/AX%202006/gaiapanel.jpg)
The GAIA panel was full to capacity.
![User Image](https://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y2/DonationFAQ/AX%202005/AX%202006/lanzer.jpg)
One of the sldies showing Lanzer and the Grunnies.
![User Image](https://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y2/DonationFAQ/AX%202005/AX%202006/gaiasocial.jpg)
L0cke, Dri, Jakobo, and Ling. Tired hands giving autographs.
![User Image](https://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y2/DonationFAQ/AX%202005/AX%202006/lanzerdrijak.jpg)
Lanzer, Dri, and Jakobo. Listening to a user's speech.
![User Image](https://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y2/DonationFAQ/AX%202005/AX%202006/drilanposter.jpg)
One of the new posters.
At the end of the social...you have very weird questions being directed to the Admins. *sigh* Oh and a stalker sweatdrop
Community Member
They all look so "enthusiatic" about giving those autographs... >.>;