When Rose
described the hunters who had
kidnapped Dragon, I instantly knew who she was talking about...but I was surprised they had followed me here. The last time I had seen them was before Lexius Pyra
[+1] betrayed me twenty-five years ago.
Flashback #1 of 3
"Hello there," someone said from behind me. "Is the assistant job taken?"
Turning, I faced a rather young looking male neko demon. Wiping my hands on a rag, I replied, "Maybe. Answer some questions first."
"Okay, shoot."
"Does blood make you faint or squeemish?"
"What about magic?"
"Rocket fire?"
"There's not a lot that scares me if that's what you're getting at"
"Good answer," I said. "One last question. Would you ever betray me?"
"No," the young demon replied promptly while looking me square in the eye.
"What's your name kid?"
"Lexius Pyra."
Reaching the place where Dragon's blood was pooled, I knelt down and touched the ground at the edge of the blood pool. Hearing a noise behind me, I said without turning, "Go back Shalimar."
"But they've got mom."
"They won't harm her any more," I replied. "They only kidnapped her to get to me because they know what she means to me and what I'll do if they kill her."
Flashback #2 of 3
Shoving Lex down, I said, "Keep your head down you damned fool! Those mages will cut you down if they see you!"
"I was just looking!" Lex replied, his voice muffled because I was shoving his head into the dirt.
"This is a damned war!" I replied. " 'Just looking' can get you killed!"
"You're looking!"
"Because I know what I'm doing!" I replied. "Now just--"
Suddenly, a pair of blue dragons and gold dragon flew overhead. Landing on the battle lines one of the blue dragons broke off to the left and the gold dragon broke off to the right. The other blue dragon remained in the center. Transforming into her human self, she yelled, "People of Rianales! Hear me! You outnumber the Nabikchan by four to one! Band together and force them and their slavery ways out of your galaxy!"
Suddenly, several people sprang from their hiding place--as half dragons are apt to do when listening to a full blooded dragon--and surged forward. Even though the battle was technologically one sided--the Nabikchans having lazers to the Rianales' pitchforks--the Rianales' fighting spirit was up.
Glancing at me, the female blue dragon yelled, "DOWN!"
Obeying her, I sheltered Lex as a blast of ice crystals flew overhead and froze a Nabikchan who had been sneaking up behind Lex and I.
"Now go back home," I said. Shalimar started to say something but when I glanced at her, she turned and left. Once she was gone, I changed into my hunting outfit.
[+2]Flashback #3 of 3
A few years after I had seen the three dragons, the war finally ended. The Rianales had lost; but not without doing massive damage to the Nabikchans. I'm not sure where the dragons had gone since that was the one and only time anyone saw them; but many believe that they had left because they saw that the battle was hopeless. The Nabikchans were now conducting trials and putting to death the rebels that they had found.
Lex and I were in danger. We weren't big players, but without us, the battle would have ended the day it began.
[+3]They had captured Lex earlier in the day and I didn't think the kid coud withstand their tourturing. The Nabikchan prided themselves on their rather gruesome and painful methods of tourture.
Sneaking into the holding grounds, I searched the cells for Lex; releasing anyone and everyone I found in the process. Near the end of the dungeons, I heard Lex's voice.
"The leader of the rebellion? Yeah I know. It's Nieva Whitley Ryder."
That lying little b*****d! I thought, growling.
He looked me in the EYE and said he'd never betray me! I'm going to KILL him!Leaping into the room where Lex's voice was coming from, I saw him sitting between two slayers--one with red hair pulled back into a braid and the other with tweaked black hair
[+4]. Before anyone could react however, Lex stood up and the room exploded in a flash of white swallowed by darkness.
To be continued...tomorrow night when I have more time
Community Member
[+2] Mark on her chest--it's a dragon mark found only on certian half dragons.
[+3] Nabikchan were oppressers to the Rianales'. Things have settled down and both races now exist peacefully in a mutually beneficial coexistance.
[+4] The same two who kidnapped me