How long's it been now? A good two months, xas? Well, at any rate, I would've had this entered earlier t'day, but just as I was finishing it up, my computer decided that it was feeling evil and mischevious, so it flashed a blue/white + grey/white screen at me. Very annoying. So, naturally, I had to turn it off. Did I feel like re-writing the journal entry so soon after I had written so much? Not really. So ah, bare with me if I suddenly rant here and there about it. sweatdrop Now, all I have to do is try and recall everything I wrote word-for-word. I know I don't need to, but it makes me feel better. xd sweatdrop So! A recount of some of the things that have happened since late October. Don't worry, no need to flee. I'm only going to reiterate some of the major bits and pieces. 3nodding Righto.
+ One of my good friends has been having some problems with two of her friends, though, needless to say, they aren't friends anymore. sweatdrop I'm sincerely glad that it's all over, however... They sent her into a downward spiral of depression, and she was almost to the point of attempting suicide. Luckily, though, she's left them and is seeking professional help. This is a big relief to me. I was really worried about her... I really don't know what I would do if she had hurt herself and wasn't with us anumore... But! That's all over now. She has other people who love and care about her, and she knows it. Tal, if you're reading this, WE LOVE YOU!! heart 3nodding whee
+ I'm finally getting my act together in the two classes my grades were slacking in ((I had gotten behind because I was stupid and let my personal problems interfere with school..)), and bringing the grades I had up. Right now, I have all A+'s and B's. Hopefully, I'll be able to bring the others up to similar grades before the semester ends. 3nodding
+ In November, the first DNAngel DVD came out in English. This makes Dejah-chan very happy. Until then, I had only been able to follow the series through the manga's ((WHICH, by the way, is NOT a bad thing!)). Another thing that made me happy?? The first character you see in the series is ((drum roll please!)) KRADDUMS!! heart __ heart (Though, albeit, Krad would slaughter me if he ever heard me calling him that. sweatdrop ) Another? In the manga's, we don't meet Krad until the VERY END of the fourth manga, and even then, it's only for SIX PAGES!! This makes Dejah ANGRY. xd He enteres the scene ((rather nicely, I thought.. ^.^)), then it pans to Risa at her window who says "Do I see.. Wings..?" and KERBLAH! That's the end of the manga, and we have to wait for the fifth one to come out. Piff. Happy-yay? Krad also appears in the fourth episode of the anime. Happy-Dejah-Yay-Huzzah. heart Krad and his counterpart, Satoshi, are my favourite characters in the series. Yaaay!! Ahem. On other news. ^_^-
+ The winter concerts were interesting this year. The choir and madrigals concert was a complete success. YOU ALL NEED TO COME TO ANNAHEIM TO SEE THEM OR COME TO THE LAST CONCERT NEAR THE END OF THE YEAR. YAAARR!!! xd One of the songs, "Christmas in about 3 minutes," was, obviously, a medly of Christmas songs. The audience was to keep count of how many songs there were. I got 21. The actual count was 23, and one of them was the teacher playing it on the piano. Funny, because I told my two friends sitting next to me that I knew she was going to trick us with that. I s'pose that I missed one that they sung, though. Ah, well. It was fun. 3nodding whee
The band/jazz band concert wasn't as ah... Wonderful, I must say ((I'm one of the band students)). The jazz band did a fabulous job. It was a truly wonderful performance on their part. Along with that, halfway through the band's songs, local violin prodigy (and prodigy in general..), Nigel did a spectacular violin solo. My friends and I had listened to him practicing at lunch, and were surprised to hear that in two parts of the song, the TEACHER messed up. Now, you all may not find this very odd, but if you knew our teacher, you'd find it to be some sort of omen or disaster or something. xd She's the most accomplished musician I've met. Anyway, about the band. We didn't do HORRIBLY, no... but we didn't do as well as we could have. The concert season has started out very tight, and we only had a few weeks to learn everything. You also should take into consideration that the majority of the band this year are Freshman. I hate to say it, but most of the Frosh. need to get lessons or practice WAY more. It kills me. It really does. gonk stressed sweatdrop cry I just hope that they can get their act together and take this seriously before Annaheim. Our school always does good. ALWAYS. ((I'm a very competitive person, could you tell...?))
+ And now I'm spending the winter break in New Mexico with my dad. It's snowing here, too, which is awesome.
Understand that I live in a part of California where it NEVER snows. Ever. Maybe like, once every seventy-five years, or something. I know we got a little bit of snow about three years ago in the valley. I'm not saying that Sonoma county NEVER snows; it snows on the mountains a little if it gets very cold, but ne'er in the valley. Anyway, it wasn't very good snow. ::shakes head::
Here, though, we've got inches upon inches of snow. One part of our yard has about a foot deep's worth. Very cool beans. xd
+ After over a year, I found my fishnet shirt with the cut-off finger ends!! Whoo!!!
That's pretty much all I can think of right now. Oh, and I start snowboarding lessons this weekend. Yaaay!!! heart whee xd blaugh Until later, aranoyas! With that, I part you with one last message...
![]() Mysidia Hinme Community Member ![]() |